
You have loved justice, and hated evil, for which God anointed you, your God, with oil of joy more than your companions. Hebrews 1: 9

Justice is a critical and important element in the society we live in. We all reject the evil and hate that exists on this planet earth. There are times when a diversity of ideologies is expressed. Ideologies that often cause divisions. Difficult times are approaching where we should not be governed by political minds but by minds of justice, peace, and love.

There is an endless evil that has impacted society. What is good? What is bad? Today, good has become bad and bad has become good. But, what do we define in difficult times as good and as bad? This is something to reflect on. As people full of principles we want something that fills humanity with justice, love, and truth. We despair in the midst of the processes, but God reminds us that he is justice, truth, and love for humanity.

If humanity comes to vote for justice, truth, peace, and love, we should vote for the man who one day was on Earth and gave his life for love, Jesus. The man is not perfect, man tends to err or fail in time. Man tends to tell lies, to deceive, and tell half-truths to grab the attention of an audience that is desperate for justice, peace, and stability in all its facets as an individual. My dear friends, man will remain imperfect with ups and downs. They say that the world is moved by money and politics, but the truth is that this is a lie, the world is moved by God.

Prayer: Open your heart

Lord Jesus, forgive me if I have offended you. Forgive me if I have not been a good steward of what you have given me. Forgive me because I am not perfect, but I know that every day I want to imitate Jesus, in love, justice, and peace. Amen.

Friendly advice

My dear friends, what can we do today differently? How can we be agents of change in humanity that needs help? Do something for someone.  Today, extend your helping hand. Allow yourself to be sensitive to your inner self and the voice of God.