It’s fair?

If you’re fair, what will you give him? Or what will he receive from your hand? Job 35: 7.

Many times so many events have happened to us in our lives that like me, you are asking the question, Oh God! Is this fair? Why this happens to me and not to X or Y person? Have I done something wrong and I didn’t realize it? I tried everything and it doesn’t work out, I do this and it doesn’t work out either. That’s not fair!

It is fair or not, maybe I do not know and what is the purpose of what is happening. But, of one thing I am sure that sooner or later the reason for what was once unfair will come soon.  It comes to my mind as I write the story of Job (see Book of Job in the Bible). A man who at the eyes of God was a fair and blameless man but, one day calamity came to his life. Perhaps Job could tell God if I am… I have done this… I do this… but this was not the case with him. Friends and even family criticized him, told him if he had sinned or until he cursed his God for such affliction. However, Job recognized that there was some purpose on God’s part that he did not understand.

Job recognized that he was just a servant and that everything he owned belonged to his God. Who am I to deny or curse in the midst of my affliction or in the midst of my pain? I imagine a Job saying: If in the midst of abundance God blessed me and with material things that I never expected as now that something was never mine was taken away, but borrowed in this earthly world, I am going to complain?  Mmmm … we cling to the borrowed, we cling to the material and when we die we take nothing. What is fair? I don’t know, but of one thing I am sure that everything we have is borrowed and we have to be grateful for life.

Prayer: Open your heart

Lord Jesus, forgive me because there are times when we question our events without realizing there is a purpose. A purpose that will be soon fulfill of blessing. Help me to continue believing in your processes. I ask it in your name Jesus, Amen.

Friendly Advice

My dear friends, it is not easy to live in difficult times. It is not easy to lose everything. It is not easy to start over. But of one thing I am sure that God is in control of our lives. Maybe we cry, maybe we curse the circumstances we live in. We cry, but you know God is still the God of your life and mine. It only remains for us to talk to him and surrender our hearts to his feet.