Is my mind normal or abnormal?

For who of men knows the things of man but the spirit of man that is in him? So also no one knew the things of God, but the Spirit of God. 1 Corinthians 2:11

Sometimes with the eagerness of life, our minds are so accelerated that we think whether what we think is normal or not. Therefore, I was talking to a person who asked me if  I had felt the same way. And, of course, yes. ¿As human being we think whether or not what we think is correct, we wonder why do we think like this? Why do these thoughts come to us? So, I remembered reading the book The Battlefield of the Mind by Joyce Meyer. One of the issues she discusses is: will our mind be normal or abnormal?

As individuals we think what comes to our mind is what we call normal. But, it is important to remember that we are spiritual beings as well natural. Therefore, our minds need to be enlightened in response to what is happening to our spirit. The spirit wants to take us to a level beyond what the natural calls abnormal. But, the reality is that an overly busy mind is abnormal. As our mind is on the abnormal status we lose what the spirit is trying to tell us. So, having our mind at rest, not blank but rested, is known as normal. As I read this information I asked myself how is this possible? All this time I thought otherwise.

After reading this information as the Americans say “my mind blew out.” In other words, in the natural world our mind is abnormal since we are all the time occupying our minds with natural things that we lose the essential one of giving space to the spirit that occupies or transforms my abnormal mind to a normal one. Wao! Therefore, having a normal mind we are sensitive to receive information from the spirit. Hence, by having a normal mind we can then walk in divine wisdom and discernment. In other words, if our mind is too busy with thoughts on the natural status and your mind is not rested, we will lose what our God is trying to reveal to our spirit. How is your mind normal or abnormal?


Meyer. J. (1995). The battlefield of the mind. Miami. Unilit Ed. P.68.

Prayer: Open your heart

Lord Jesus, I am in front of your presence to ask your forgiveness if at any time I have let my mind take control of my natural being. Today, I want you, Jesus, to be taking my mind and my thoughts to another spiritual level. I ask this in your name Jesus, Amen.

Friendly Advice

My dear friends, how beautiful and good it would be if we allow to change our abnormal mind to a normal mind. We would all be living life from another perspective. How can I do this? Only by allowing God to take control of your life and mind. May you allow the Spirit of God to transform your way of thinking. If you give God your heart, you will experience an extraordinary change in your life because now your mind will be normal.