Is God in control?

You have increased your wonders, O Jehovah my God; and your thoughts towards us, it is not possible to count them before you. If I announce and speak about them, they cannot be numbered. Psalms 40: 5

With this entire CODVID 19 situation and so many other things that we are suffering throughout the world, many of us have wondered, if God is in control? As a consequence of so many things, we become discouraged and feel helpless. So much so, that we seek answers or blame others responsible for everything that is happening. When we face this chaos we think that God could have done something to avoid the whole situation, but why didn’t he do it? Therefore, we begin to blame God. Is it perhaps God or are we guilty of everything we are living?

Blaming someone for our problems is easy, but how have you lived life? It’s easy to blame a person for your problems or circumstances. Many times we think what would happen if … the list that comes to your mind would be endless. But, my dear friends, the plan of God that He has promised to your life will be maintained. You just have to have a clean heart, trust in the processes and move forward on the path that God has for each of us. Only by leaving the past behind and having full trust in God can we advance to an extraordinary future in our lives.

Prayer: Open your heart

Lord Jesus forgives me if I ever blamed you and my neighbor. You know my steps and my past experiences. I want you, Jesus, to reveal to my life what is the perfect plan that you have for me. I want to be sensitive to your voice. I ask this in your name Jesus, Amen.

Friendly advice

My dear friends, it is time to remove any obstacles that are preventing you from seeing beyond what you are experiencing. It is time to be responsible for our actions and begin to be responsible for a future that awaits us.