
And unto man he said, Behold, the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom; and to depart from evil is intelligence. Job 28:28.

I recently received a message that said “Knowing a lot is not the same as being smart. Intelligence is not only information, but also judgment to handle it. ”Carl Segara. This thought captivated my attention, and I had to read it several times to be able to assimilate it into my life. The truth is that many times we think we are intelligent, but when the time comes to make a decision many times it is not the most correct. Why does this happen to us? Are we not intelligent beings?

Well, yes, we are intelligent beings. We are all born with an extraordinary and infinite mind. A mind is full of thoughts and questions of so many things. We can study, acquire a university degree, we can be an expert in the subject of interest, have a vocation that we are passionate about and so many other things that we can carry out in our lives based on an extraordinary mind that we all carry. But … when the difficult situation comes, we get out of focus, we lose track of our lives. Also, when the storm comes to our lives we rush to make decisions that impact our present and future. So, by reflecting on the motto of Carl Segara, I can say that intelligence is not knowing or understanding but making judicious decisions and knowing how to handle every unexpected event in our lives. It is okay to cry and scream, but it’s wise to breathe, getaway, and take control.

By looking at life from another perspective, we can learn to listen to the other person. We learn not to speak. We learn to take control of our self and especially our emotions. We learn to admit that we are not perfect and we also know how to ask for forgiveness. Also, an intelligent being knows that he/she needs help. But, above all, we know how to bend our heart before God, who sees everything, who knows everything, and who answers you in the midst of your difficult situation. When an intelligent being has good judgment on how to handle difficult situations, then you have learned what the power of intelligence is. Because, not only we depend on earthly knowledge but there is someone supernatural who helps us achieve who we are today, an intelligent person in all aspects of our lives.

Prayer: Open your heart

Lord Jesus, I am before your presence asking for your forgiveness. Today, I want you to be my leader, and to give me wisdom from above to make decisions that are good for my present and future, I ask in your name. Jesus. Amen.

Friendly Advice

My dear friends, when you feel you have no more answers, when you think there is no solution to your problem, seek help. There are a variety of professionals, counselors, psychologists, pastors, doctors among others who can help you. Remember that you are not alone. Pray and read the bible in it you will find answers.