But when the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all truth; for he will not speak on his own account, but he will speak whatever he hears, and he will tell you things to come. John 16:13.

Instinct is defined as an innate and unconscious behavior that is genetically transmitted between living beings of the same species and that makes them respond in the same way to certain stimuli, whether internal or external feelings. Although we know that the instinct in animals is different from that of human beings. The animal instinct is one that lives, reproduces, hunts and does everything by its instincts. On the other hand, the human being is the owner of a moral nature, he has reason and will, which helps to guide him in his daily life. Who has not reacted to an unexpected situation or in a way that was not what he expected?

I have been in that situation. Our body or mind reacts to situations that are within us and that many times we cannot control. Although we know that we are not totally controlled by instincts, there are many things in our life that dominate us. Instincts are the driving force of our personality, which God has endowed in man to enable him for his existence on earth. God is the one who has endowed man with instincts, and not everyone knows this reality, since many believe in the evolution of man, and that man has learned only what he needs to survive. My dear friends, God leaves nothing to chance, and He is perfect in everything He does.

We live in a world with too much noise, distractions and false signals that try to divert us from our purpose, if we do not keep attentive to the signals that God sends us, we will end up lost. Many times, we are attentive to daily life that we lose the signs that God sends us so that we can act. Jesus reminds us that we must trust and let the Spirit work in our lives and that we can understand what it transmits to us to act. Remember that everything the Spirit tells us comes from a trusted source, Jesus.

Prayer: open your heart

Lord Jesus I am in front of your presence to ask you to help me act in the face of the circumstances that I live. That each decision is within your will and not mine. I ask it in your name Jesus, Amen.

Friendly Advice

My dear friends, we are experiencing so many situations, be it personal, financial, family or work. So, it comes to our mind in a moment if the action we take is the correct one, but I want to tell you that God worries us to act. Only, we must listen to his voice. Seek advice from someone who can help you, but above all pray and read the Bible and you will find answers.