In the boat

Suddenly a furious storm came up on the lake, so that the waves swept over the boat; but Jesus was sleeping. Matthew 8:24

Many of us have heard the story of Jesus in the boat so many times. And that story has always comforted us. Today, God reminds us again of this story.

One day, Jesus decides to pass to the other side of the lake in a boat and while they were sailing Jesus falls asleep. While Jesus slept, a storm broke out and, seeing the disciples who were endangering their lives, they awakened Jesus. I imagine the disciples shouting at him, full of fear, shouting: Jesus, Jesus awake that we perish! Jesus asked them “where is your faith?” Jesus, on hearing them, rebuked the wind and the waves ceased and there was a great calm.  In fear and amazed they asked one another: “Who is this? He commands even the winds and waters, and they obeyed him. Luke 8: 22-25. You know friend, only God knows our need and knows what situation you are in today.

During the last blogs God has disturbed me to talk about issues of pain and reminds us that he has always been in control. Unfortunately, we often do as the disciples that even seeing the power of Jesus and that Jesus was in the boat, they hesitated for a moment in the midst of the storm of His power.

Our experiences and sufferings that we have all experienced lead us to despair to such a degree that we think that God is asleep. We try to seek help and listen to the answers that we want to hear for. And, such is the uncertainty that we do not listen what we want to hear, but an answer that is the opposite of what was expected. Has it happened to you?

During the storm you have lived, such as divorce, family problems, financial problems, illness, insults, work, loneliness, not knowing where to go, not having a bed where you can lay your head, not having food, social status, emotional state, and so many that only you know. There are so many problems that we lose focus on the other wonderful things that surround us. So much so that sometimes we get tired of struggling so much and we question God where he is. Or, Is Jesus asleep? Because I do not feel him, I do not see the solution or the exit.

Well, friend, I want to tell you that in your boat, in the middle of the storm when you think that your boat is cover with water and you think you are going to perish, today God reminds you that he is God. He is God of the wind, God of the sea and God that today rebukes your storm and your strong winds therefore, will be great calm! And, so great is his authority that if you believe today in the words of Jesus you will see that at this very moment the restless waters of your sea and the strong winds that stun you, will no longer be because GOD IS IN CONTROL OF EVERYTHING.

Dear Friend, who listen to or read this, “Why do you fear, man or woman of little faith?” Matthew 8:26. Today, God reminds you that your God is in control of EVERYTHING. What should you do? It is only to believe in Jesus and declare with your mouth that all is well. Yes!, declare that everything is fine even if your physical eyes see the opposite, because believing in Jesus is called FAITH. Stand up in victory because today God reminded you that He is still the Captain of your boat so He will take you to a safe harbor. Do not fear because I, your God, am with you! Isaiah 41:10

Prayer: Open your heart

Lord Jesus, forgive me for not having faith in your promises, forgive me for disrespecting you as God and Lord of the Universe. I come before you, not to listen to what I want to hear, but to listen to what you have for me, because everything you will give me from now on is peace for me.

Everything that happens from now on with my life is great calm and find fulfillment in you. Strengthen today my spirit and my bones, give me wisdom and spiritual eyes to see beyond the horizon. And, to be able to see beyond that everything that arises in this universe is because some good purpose exists, that today I do not understand, but tomorrow I will understand and I will see your glory manifested in my life. As of today, I do not want to fear, I want to have faith and that you are the Captain of my boat so you will take me to safe harbor. Amen.

A friendly Advice:

Friend, I want to tell you that everything will depend on your faith. Remember that you are not alone. Talk to God, read the Bible and ask for guidance from above so you can handle every situation that comes into your life. Remember that God is the Captain of your boat.

If you need to seek help, remember that there are good spiritual and professional resources that can help you with your situation. And, the rest leave it in the hands of our God and you will see the great victories in your life.