Acts 16:25-26

25 But at midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the prisoners were listening to them. 26 Suddenly there was a great earthquake, so that the foundations of the prison were shaken; and immediately all the doors were opened and everyone’s chains were loosed.

How many of us have relatives in prisons or have ever experienced being in jail? or  Do you feel that your life is a jail?
I have relatives in prison and I know that we suffer a lot for them and we pray for their soon return with the family. As far as I know, those who have experienced being in jail, the truth is that once inside the prison is not a movie, but a reality. Although, there are people who feels their life as they were in jail.

The story of two men, Paul and Silas, were sons of God performing tasks and works for God. One day they made  a miracle ( a slave girl was free of a spirit of divination) and because of that miracle they went to jail. I do not know the reason that led you to live and go through this painful experience, jail or you feel your life like in a jail.  I want to let you know that the pain is not only yours,  is also of all those who love you. But, today I tell you that there is a hope and a solution to your situation.

Paul and Silas began praising and singing to God. You will ask yourself how? Who praises God in jail, in a possibly hellish place? Well, today I will tell you that you can and you have the alternative of praising God and breaking chains as it was the case with Pablo and Silas. Also, dear reader, we do not have to be physically in a prison, many times we feel trapped and hopeless; that there is no solution or exit once being in the world that imprisons us. But, today I will tell you, there is a solution!

When my relative entered to prison, he had the opportunity to know God, God has always been present, and many times we do not give him the opportunity until the difficult moment comes. There in prison, he preaches the gospel to others. God is good! Although he is in prison, he is happy because God has taken care of him at all times and his time has been reduced. Glory to God! What I want to say with this testimony is if you receive God as your Lord and Savior, He will break your chains and frees you from your sin, whatever it may be.

Yes, even on the cross there were two sinners and both had the opportunity to enter the kingdom of God. But, only one recognized his sin, he asked for forgiveness and from that moment the doors of heaven were opened for him. Therefore, in the midst of praise and in the midst of prayer, chains are broken and we are free by the redeeming blood of Jesus Christ. There is only one alternative to break the barriers of your prison, it can be physical or problems that you are living, the solution is Jesus.

Prayer: Open your heart

Lord Jesus, I come before you naked under your presence and with nothing to hide, because you know everything. Forgive my sins. I am in this prison, full of torment and a lot of pain. The walls of this prison fall short of so much pain, but I come before you like the thief of the cross. I come humbled and recognizing that I am not perfect and that for the society there is no forgiveness. Fulfilling I am here for all the damage done to the human being that I did wrong and that because of me they are suffering. I recognize my sin and my offense. Although, I recognize that you spilled your blood on the cross, in order to have access to your mercy and forgiveness. Heal my wounds, fill me with your love and your protection. Today, oh God break the chains that bind my heart to be able to continue my life in you. Amen.

A friendly advice

I do not know what your chain and / or prison are, what you are carrying with you. However, no matter what situation you are in there is always a way out. Today, I tell you, run at the feet of Jesus.

If you are physically in a prison, attend religious ceremonies that believe in the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and of course that Christ comes for us. Read the Bible and pray. It’s never too late to let go of your chains!

And, to you, who is experiencing a life like a prison, run to the feet of Jesus and attend a Church of your preference (that believe in the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and of course that Christ comes for us). Seek professional help and help from a pastor. Read the Bible and pray. It’s never too late to let go of your chains!