In a plane

Do not fear, because I am with you; do not lose heart, because I am your God who strives you; I will always help you, I will always support you with the right hand of my justice. Isaiah 41:10

These are times where many people travel. They travel for business purposes, vacations, and to be able to reunite with their loved ones. Today, where the pandemic has been a reason for many to take shelter in their homes, which they do very well, for many the pandemic has not prevented them from taking a plane to reach their destination. On a plane there are people from different places who travel for different purposes but whatever their final destination, I wonder what is going through their minds?

Perhaps many are thinking what happens if the plane has a mechanical failure, for others a lot of nerves, for others the emotion of reaching the desired place and / or meeting their loved one. What will be happening through those minds? I do not know. I remember the people on the plane conversed with the people who sat to their side seat and within it they exposed their concerns and dreams. Today, it is a silence, the only thing you hear is the noise of the engines of the wings of the plane. For what remains for me, look through the window.

Looking out the window, if I am lucky enough to have the window or sit in the hallway section I can see the clouds, the sky, or the city lights. But above all I feel close to spiritual environment. A closeness that makes me feel like God has given human beings the intelligence to reach what was once impossible. Close to heaven … I take the opportunity to talk with God and expose my concerns and desires. I do not know what goes through your mind when you are on the plane but I am sure that my trust in God is full and takes me to a safe place. What do you think when you are on the plane?

Prayer: Open your heart

Lord Jesus, I am in your presence asking for your forgiveness. Forgive me if I have failed my convictions. Forgive me if I have offended the loved one. Help me to fully trust you. I ask this in your name, Jesus. Amen.

Friendly advice

My dear friends, we are living in difficult times where traveling with this pandemic can be risky for you and yours. But, if you have to travel, take all the health precautions recommended by the CDC (Center for Disease control and Prevention).