I invite you to a coffee

and walk in love, just as Christ loved you and gave himself for us, an offering and sacrifice to God, as a fragrant aroma. Ephesians 5: 2

I don’t know about you my dear friends, but there are always people who invite us to have a coffee. There are times when we accept the invitation. There are moments that we say on another occasion and we never give a date to this invitation. Perhaps, that invitation was a courtesy, perhaps to get to know us a little more, perhaps to discuss good topics with friends or is simple an excuse to be with you for a moment. How many have received this invitation to have a coffee? What was your result of that invitation?

When I have a good coffee, it relaxes me, I start to think or perhaps I don’t think about anything but it is a moment of being alone with my cup of coffee. There is no conversation but me and my coffee, where I reflect and start the plans I have for the day. Drinking coffee implies smelling its aroma, feeling good taste on my palate and at the same time awakening all my senses. I get up with new energy to do what I have to do.

I feel that an invitation to have a coffee is the essence of relaxing, talking about a good topic, listening to each other and laughing at what life brings us. Drinking that coffee is giving us the opportunity to explore new horizons to see life from another point of view. The invitation should be a pleasant one, a sincere one, and one of empathy for the other person who is next to you having a good coffee. From this invitation, new stages arise in our lives that can elevate us to another level. Of course, let’s be careful with who we drink that coffee otherwise it is better to drink coffee alone with your inner self.

Prayer: Open your heart

Lord Jesus, I am in front of your presence asking you to be the friend who sits down every morning to drink that coffee. To be able to listen to you and see beyond what my physical eyes cannot understand. I ask this in your name, Jesus. Amen.

Friendly Advice

My dear friends, how great it is to wake up and give thanks for life. How delicious it is also to have a cup of coffee or your favorite drink. At that time, take your time to reflect and love yourself.