I hear you

Then you will call on me, and come to pray to me, and I will listen to you. Jeremiah 29:12.

I was recently speaking with my pastor about the script of Jesus in the boat and the storm (St. Mark 4: 35-41). We talked about Jesus entering the boat who came from long hours carrying the message to his people and even healing the sick people. Imagine a construction worker who spends many hours in the sun and working hard,, when he arrives at his house he requires to take a break since what awaits him is another day of hard work. Well, when Jesus entered the boat to cross to the other side, we imagined his body tired and right there in the boat under the silence and the stillness of the moment his body rested there in the stern. The interesting thing is that when he was sleeping, a furious squall arose in the middle of the sea and the waves broke over the boat, so it was almost swamped.  But, the most amazing thing is that we often wonder, how was possible that Jesus did not feel or hear the roar of the wind or his disciples?

Well, I want to tell my dear friends that Jesus was always alert, his earthly body rested, but his spirit was alert to everything that happened around him because He is still God. There are times when God tests our faith. God expects us to approach him, to ask him. In 1 John 5: 14-15 says “And this is the confidence that we have in him, if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us. And if we know that God hears all our prayers, we can be sure that we already have what we have asked for.” A lapse of time passed when the disciples realized that Jesus was with them and they approached Jesus, they woke him up. I imagine the disciples calling him by his name, almost screaming of fear and despair “Jesus, Jesus!” And it is there, that Jesus gets up, listens to their claim “Master, do not you care that we perish?” And it was at that moment that Jesus got up, rebuked the wind, and said to the sea: “Quiet, be still “. Then, the wind ceased, and there was great calm. Immediately, there was calmness, I imagine Jesus who looked at each one of them into their eyes, and said to them “Why you so scared? How do you not have faith?”

Many times we have experienced situations of a storm, we despair, and we forget that Jesus is in our boat. We go to so many people to have an answer, and it is until our life is about to perish that we remember Jesus. We scream, we groan, we pray, and to top it off or in the last straw we say “do not you hear me?” But, friend, when did you tell Jesus of your storm or was until you saw yourself on the limit of despair as the disciples did? You know something my dear friend, God sees everything and knows everything, and He just wants that you would come before Him and ask for your storm. Jesus wants to hear your request. By asking, Jesus immediately and instantly stands up as a mighty giant, reprimand the wind with a voice of authority over everything He created, and says to your sea “Quiet and be still. ” Your wind will stop, your storm will stop being and there will be great peace in your life.

Dear friend, He will do more for you. God proves your faith and your trust in Him. Moreover, I assure you, whatever you ask for in prayer, you can be sure that you already have what you have asked for because Jesus is the captain of your life. We need to do like the psalmist David “In my anguish I called on the Lord; I cried out to my God, and he heard me from his temple; my clamor reached his ears! (Psalm 18: 6). Therefore, today Jesus reminds us that He always listens to us. Do not wait for your boat to sink since He has been waiting for you to allow him to be the captain of your boat. “Look, I’m at the door and I’m calling. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he/she with me “ (Revelation 3:20).

Prayer: Open your heart

Lord Jesus, I am before your presence asking for your forgiveness for my life and for not doing your will. Forgive me if my faith has decreased before my storm. But, today I recognize that my faith increases when I place my full confidence in your power. Thank you, Jesus, for what you are doing in my life and in my family. Amen.

Friendly Advice

My dear friend (a) today is a day to reflect, how do you find yourself? What situation are you going through that you have been waiting for a long time to resolve and have not received any answers? What medical diagnosis have you been given? Moreover, what other concerns do you have that your pride has not allowed recognizing the power of Jesus? These are some questions to reflect on.

What should I do? My dear friend, the best response is to pray, read the bible and ask God to intervene in all your concerns. When you believe, you walk in faith and you have full confidence in Jesus, your answers will be immediate. The psalmist David wrote in Psalm 116: 1-2 “I love the Lord because he hears my pleading voice. Because he inclines his ear to me, I will invoke him all my life.” It is time to invoke his name and Jesus will work on your behalf.