I carry your cross

And calling the people and his disciples, he said to them, “If anyone: wants to come after me, deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me.” Mark 8:34.

There are times that we walk and carry with us many burdens such as physical, emotional, mental and even spiritual. We have been walking for a long time with the same situations that we forget many times what is our purpose here on Earth. Burdens … burdens that are so heavy that we do many times as the clown laugh to not cry. We do like the clown, we put the paint on our face to hide from other people. The cross is so heavy …

The cross was too heavy that even Jesus found it difficult to carry. His aching body, his whipped body, his head wearing a crown of thorns, his skin in living flesh and we imagine blood running all over his body. A heavy cross that He carried on his shoulders … To such an extreme, that the weather of that day was one filled with so much heat, heat that weakens, that bothers. I imagine Him wanting to drink a glass of water to refresh his body and not be able to … But, the time came, that someone helped him carried his heavy cross.

When time comes, which we feel we cannot carry our cross; well, Jesus said take your cross and follow me. It reminds us that He already carries your cross and if you trust Him there is a solution and it is light because He helps us. If Jesus carried your cross, our physical, mental, emotional and even spiritual will be fleeting. There are more possibilities to improve. Mental and emotional peace come into your life. Moreover, your spiritual struggles cease to be. There is someone who reminds us that He carried the heaviest cross to Calvary so that today you enjoy the privileges of a child of God. You are already free!

Prayer: Open your heart

Lord Jesus, I am in front of your presence asking forgiveness for thinking that I could only carry my cross. Today, I want you to be my helper and my protector. Today, I recognize that with you I can reach my final destination. Amen.

Friendly advice

My dear friends, it is time to seek help. It is time to stop being who you are not. You are a person full of qualities and virtues. Dry your tears. Laugh. Your time is now, be free!