I am the vine

I am the vine, you are the branches; he who abides in Me, and I in him, he bears much fruit; because apart from me you can. John 15: 5

It’s good to know that without God we are nothing. We can juggle to get what we want, but if our faith is not put on Him many things would not be achieved. People think that it is on their own merits, but the truth is that without life, without health, without wisdom, and without strength that comes from above we could not obtain the fruits of what was programmed or desired. God reminds us: “I am the vine …”

I am life and we are the branches. Vine tendril is defined as green, tender and thin or vine bud (https://www.bibliatodo.com/Dictionary-biblico/pampano). By recognizing that we can do everything through God, we can achieve everything. Remaining in Him we know that our works will be great. We will see miracles after miracles in our lives. Therefore, many people will recognize that there is something special about you. The light will shine. Realizing what God puts in your heart and that we are attentive to his voice, He will keep his promises in you and throughout your house. The only thing God demands from us is to believe in Him and do His will. Everything you do with love and share with others your blessings.

Prayer: Open your heart

Lord Jesus, I am before your presence asking for your forgiveness. Today, I want to be part of the vine. May I be a bear fruit and share the blessings but, above all, your love. Amen.

Friendly Advice

My dear friends, it is time to stand firm in the trunk of life, Jesus. I don’t know what your perspective on life is, whatever it is, remember that there is coverage in his presence.