And God said to Moses: I AM WHO I AM. And he added: Thus you will say to the children of Israel: “I AM has sent me to you.” Exodus 3:14

While meditating on the word of God, God told me not to box me. In these times when we live in quarantines, God broke the normal pattern of a society. It broke with the religious, political and health standards. We will no longer be the same when the door to the outside world is fully opened.

We stopped being the old me, to be people who learned to value our families, our jobs, our friends, our health, among other things. We no longer think of a God who is divided into a thousand religions but of a single God who unites us as brothers. That when we unite to ask forgiveness for a nation and pray for each other, he is the same God of all. Politically, there was consensus when nations came together to control the pandemic. In health, everyone recognized that it was necessary to be prepared to attend not only a simple cold or surgery but also recognized that science and medicine still required more exploration to be able to fight pandemics like the ones we are experiencing.

This pandemic taught us that there is no race, there is no religion, there are no political ideas, there is no medicine, but rather that there is a God that everything is possible in Him. Nature gives thanks, the birds sing, the forest animals went out without fear of being hunted for fun, that the waters were clean, and that in the sky the sun and the moon shine at night. Today, let us recognize that the gates of heaven were always open to all who trust in the God of Glory. To the Lord of Lords, Jesus, who will soon arrive for his people, a new civilization awaits us.

Prayer: Open your heart

Lord Jesus, I am in front of your presence asking you for forgiveness. Today, I want to thank you for the care and support that you have always had in my house and in my life. Help me to continue being faithful to you and I ask your word in your name Jesus, Amen.

Friendly advice

My dear friends, time has given us a new lease on life. Let’s not waste this new opportunity. Be more attentive to your families, friends and take care of your work. Forgive those who offend you and God will do justice.

Now that many are out of their homes, take the proper precautions, wear your masks and gloves, or wash your hands. Don’t let your guard down. Trust God at all times. If it is necessary to return to your work, do not be afraid; Well, God always takes care of them as He takes care of all the workers who were active during the quarantine.