Acts 27:14-15

“14 Before very long, a wind of hurricane force, called the Northeaster, swept down from the island. 15 The ship was caught by the storm and could not head into the wind; so we gave way to it and were driven along.”

How not to forget everything we experienced during and after Hurricane Maria (September 2017) in Puerto Rico, category 5. We pray every day so that nature does not impact again with an event like this hurricane to Puerto Rico or other countries/states.

I remember when they announced the phenomenon of Hurricane Maria, we all began to prepare. But, never, we never imagined that
it would affect us to such a magnitude that we had no communication, no water, no electricity, no ATM systems, no ports, no airports, no Internet, and so many other things for long months. Today, there are still people who are suffering the ravages of Hurricane Maria.

The governments thinks that the crisis had passed, but the truth is that after a year the recovery has been slow and there are people who are suffering physically and mentally that crisis. Many left their country moving to the United States in search of a better health service, education, and many other factors that have motivated them to leave Puerto Rico. On the other hand, we thank God that we are part of the United States and we can move freely to the State of preference. Puerto Rico is  a country blessed by God; for something within our shield of Puerto Rico is the Lamb. We are called the island of the Lamb (lamb symbol of Jesus Christ).

Despite suffering the ravages of Hurricane Maria, we also lived how God protected our lives, the material things can be later on recovered. We lived how God united families and friends who perhaps did not even talk to each other. Our neighbors,  we had more than 10 years living in our community and we did not know who they were, in those moments we were all united. In this journey of long lines for the ATM or bank, gasoline, grocery,  and other long lines, which were more than 3 to 5 hours or trips to find the essential things, we could talk to so many people, open our hearts, and worry about each other like if we know each other and we felt that we were no strangers. People let us know where to go, what to do, so much things that we cared about that crime did not existed. People slept in their cars to take turns for their needs, without worry. Wau! It was a moment in the crisis, spectacular.

Why do I say spectacular? Spectacular because there was no religion, but only one faith, one God. There was no politicking, nor social classes, we were all equal. We all helped each other, we all asked for the same, recover from the tragedy or crisis. Different denominations, religion, governments, private and nonprofit organizations, ALL WITH THE SAME END, TO HELP RECOVER.

Dear Friend (reader), with this experience I want to tell you that there is a lesson. The lesson is that alone we cannot do it neither without God. When you think that everything collapsed, that everything ceases to be, it is when God comes to work. Our God will send his angels to the rescue. Lonely you will never be. When God took everything away from Job (Bible book of Job), God doubled it for his faith and for his continuity to believe God

In Hurricane Maria all Puerto Ricans and foreigners who lived this moment were like Job. Everything was taken from Job, but his hope and faith were never changed. Therefore, we were blessed like Job, we did not lose everything. On the other hand, we won our family, friends, those who were enemies were friendly hands, and our neighbors. We all feel different and we value more the things that God gave us in our lives. We learn to love, respect, and value what we have. And above all, that God exists, who by his grace and love cared for us and protected us, which He will continue to do until He comes. Will we accept the good of God and not accept evil? Job 2:10. We were and will continue to be tested like gold. What was your experience? You remembered when… Therefore, thank God for a new beginning.

Prayer: Open the heart

Dear God, I apologize if I have failed you and for forgetting how wonderful you have been with me and your people. I want to thank you for the opportunity to live that although we have lost loved ones during Hurricane Mary and material things, you have always been in control. We have experienced that you brought us a sign of love and mercy for your people. Amen.

A friendly Advice

It is not easy for all of us to have lived through atmospheric events that are not within our controls. However, we can always be prepared with essential materials and food for at least three months or more. Always have cash (money) as events such as these impacted the communication and Internet networks. Carry out an emergency plan and location plan in case you are separated from your families. But, above all, that their lives and their salvation be a priority in your home. God bless you!