Hug your parents

So, he got up and went to his father. “But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion for him; he ran to his son, threw his arms around him and kissed him. Luke 15:20

When we grow up, we separate ourselves from our families and the beings we love. Perhaps it was because work, marriage, business, and other things came that led us to move from the nest that once saw us grow up. Already the calls to our parents are weekly, monthly, or perhaps on holidays. Who knows what the excuse is for not having them around or for not making a call?

There are times when we forget that many of our parents have given of their time and love to be where we are today. Perhaps for some there will be a reason for not being close to them. But the important thing in these moments is to know how to forgive, know how to forget and start a new stage in our lives.

Let’s not hope it is too late to hug them, to say thank you, to forgive old hurts and start a new love relationship between parents and children. Hope that is not the last hug in the box that takes their bodies to the grave. Today is the time to visit them, give them a call, sit down and talk with a good coffee in your hands.

Prayer: Open your heart

Lord Jesus, I am before your presence to ask you for the fathers and mothers of this world. But I also ask you for children who have forgotten their parents. Fill them with love and above all forgiveness so that they can continue the path of life.

Friendly Advice

My dear friends it is time to make a stop, the holidays are approaching and although many may have their own families, make a call or a visit if possible. Show them how much you love them before it’s too late.