Héctor Ferrer

25 Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live. 26 And whoever lives and believes in Me shall never die. Do you believe this?” John 11: 25-26.

Tuesday, November 6, 2018, Puerto Rico awake up with sad news from a political leader, Hector Ferrer, who lost the battle of cancer. A leader, who many people admired for the great commitment to his people and country. Hector Ferrer as well as the many friends and family members that we have or had fought or have continued to struggle with this disease, cancer. But, how good it is to know that Hector Ferrer and many other loved ones kept fighting until the end. Moreover, how good it is to know that what kept them going was the immense love that God had for him and ours.

Puerto Rico is grieving this great loss, but it is good to know that his life is with our God and now rests in peace. It’s good to know that Héctor Ferrer left a beautiful legacy in his country, which went beyond a politician, was a father, husband, son, and a public servant. Although, many of us are not politicians, we identify with him as people and professionals who want the best for our people. A man who before his adversity worked with everyone for a better future and left his legacy to the people of Puerto Rico and the world.

Prayer: For Strength

Lord Jesus, today we stand before your presence asking for strength for the Ferrer family and for all those families who have lost a loved one who had time fighting or battling cancer or some other disease. We have lost many loved ones here on earth, but it’s good that they had the opportunity to have a personal encounter with you, Jesus. So, we believe what your word says (Bible) “He who believes in me, even though he is dead, will live” and we know that they live in glory and by your side. Moreover, we hope someday to see them. Thank you, Lord Jesus, for the comfort you gives us, to those of us who still live on this earth and for the strength you gives us each day. Amen

Héctor Ferrer will  always be remembered as one of the leaders of Puerto Rico who always represented  our country.