Head or tail

The blessing of the Lord brings wealth, and nothing is gained by worrying. Proverbs 10:22

There is the idea that many decisions are made by throwing a coin in the air, head or tail, as many of us know. We think that life is like a game of fortuitous and we depend on a decision that is thrown into the air to see what the last decision will be. However, many people do not understand that the result does not depend on this, but it depends on ourselves. It is like reflecting in the mirror. Looking in the mirror, we see the reflection of who we really are. If you are a strong person, of high self-esteem, of values, and confidence in yourself you will see all the effort that you have put in you to get where you are. On the other hand, if you feel weak, of low self-esteem, of low values and low confidence in yourself, you will see a failed person reflected and with few achievements in life.

But, you know something, God did not create a weak or strong person, God created a person as his image and likeness, that is, a perfect person. A person with many qualities, virtues, talents, and a thinking entity to make decisions that will lead them to success throughout their lives. Therefore, everything depends on ourselves to succeed. We depend on controlling negative thoughts and leading them to the thoughts of a successful person. God created the person to prosper within this universe we live. What we must do is obey God, his word, and put aside that distorted and perverse concept of failure and inferiority of our mind. It is time to create a solid foundation, you know which one? That you are a perfect person with purposes and you do not depend on coincidences.

Prayer: Open your heart

Lord Jesus, I am before your presence asking for your forgiveness. I recognize that my life depends on you. I recognize that I am your child and that I am part of a perfect creation. Help me make wise decisions for my well-being and that of my family. Amen.

Friendly advice

My dear friends, I know that many times the fears and uncertainty of our present and future invade us. Also, I want to remind you that your life does not depend on your past but with what you want to do from now on. Life is not a random game. Life has been given to you by God with purposes. It is only up to you to make decisions and seek help that will help you succeed and continue your path. Seek help, pray, and read the bible because in it you will find answers.

Respect yourself and love yourself because if you don’t value yourself nobody will do it for you. Choose wise decisions and not based on emotions. Believe in yourself! The next time you look in the mirror, you will reflect a person of light. Shine where you are!