Great Battles

Watch therefore at all times praying that you may be counted worthy to escape all these things that will come, and to stand before the Son of Man. Luke 21:36

It seems impossible, what we face and rush into battle. When we are in the middle of a battle, many times we despair, enter a depression or even feel that there is no way out, but God reminds us through the Bible in Luke 1:37 “There is nothing impossible for God.”

Prayer and fasting are powerful tools to get closer and ask God for his intervention in every situation. When we approach God in that spiritual intimacy, people are unaware that God is with us and will give us victory. Therefore, it is important that before each step we need to seek divine guidance. We should always ask God what is his will and trust him in all circumstances.

Our Lord Jesus reminds us in John 14:14 “If you ask anything in my name, I will do it. In Mark 11:24 he says “And whatever you ask by praying. Believe that you have already obtained it, and it will come to you. When we pray quoting the word, the faith that comes from hearing and the blessed word makes us feel confident in the power of God who gives us day by day. The prayer supported by the word will moves mountains. That is why fasting prayer takes us out of the natural and lifts us into a supernatural environment. Therefore, fasting and prayer strengthens us in faith to overcome any battle that the enemy puts in our way.

Prayer: Open your heart

Lord Jesus, I come before your presence to ask you to help me overcome every difficult circumstance that comes into my life. He trusted that everything will be fine. Amen,

Friendly Advice

My dear friends, although it is true that when we pray and fast God listens to us; It is important to seek help from people who can help you in the midst of difficult circumstances. God puts extraordinary resources that will help you raise your hands. Remember you are not alone.