
Do not you worry about anything; rather, each time, with prayer and supplication, present your requests to God and give him thanks. And the peace of God, which passes all understanding, will guard your hearts and your thoughts in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4: 6-7.

Gratitude is a feeling of value and esteem for a good received, be it spiritual or material. Gratitude is not an obligation but a voluntary wish that arises through words or a gesture or action. How important it is to be grateful during the circumstances we live in, be they good or bad. Recognize that our God is my Strength, my shield and that he has always helped me. During difficult times is always when my mind and my heart bow to the presence of the great I Am. Trust in God and give thanks because it is my attitude of gratitude towards my God.

And how ungrateful it would be if I left my Christ and how cowardly I would be if I left my Christ. These are phrases that come to mind from a song. No matter the circumstances, even in the middle of the road we cannot stop walking or give up. I recognize the immense creation that exists around me and there is no one who can explain the scientific basis of everything that surrounds us. The wisdom, praise, and trust in the processes of my God have led me to recognize his majesty and that there is nothing incomparable to feeling his presence in everything that surrounds me. Thank you, God, for my past, for teaching me the school of life. Thank you for my present because you have led me to be where I am, in your presence. Thank you for my future because although it is uncertain for me, I live confident and sure that what awaits me is a future full of blessings throughout the trajectory of my life.

Today, I want to be in the same attitude as the psalmist David, who even in all his circumstances was grateful and like Job who had an attitude of praise that even before death recognized that he came out naked from his mother’s womb and that he returns in the same way . Therefore, in the presence of my God there is nothing hidden, and he examines our hearts. How grateful are you?

Prayer: open your heart

Lord Jesus, I am in front of your presence asking for your forgiveness. I want to thank you for all things and even during my circumstances I thank you because you are in control. Amen.

Friendly Advice

Dear friends, today I just want to ask you one thing, how grateful are you to your God, for the things, and people around you?