
Because all things come from him and exist for him and for him. To him be the glory forever! Amen. Romans 11:36

I read a message that said, “Because more than asking, I have to thank you, more than fear I have to trust, more than a complaint, I have to enjoy.” How true it is that many times we ask and ask God, but we don’t take time to be grateful for all what he gives us and even for what we don’t have. How true it is that we fear our present and even our uncertain future, but we forget that we must fully trust in the God who sees everything, who knows everything, and who can do everything. How true it is that we complain so much and we forget that there are people with worse situations than yours. How true it is that we blur and want to do everything in one day, but God made seven days and one to rest and enjoy with your loved ones and even with yourself. Therefore, it is time to be grateful to a God who has given us the opportunity to live and who has given us time in our favor to be able to enjoy how wonderful it is to have time for everything.

Grateful? Perhaps you ask, why I should be grateful since I am in this situation that has no solution, that I am in poor health and so many things that only you know. But, even the kings of the time faced difficult situations and people who have lived tragedies, but that did not cause their faith to falter or question the process for what they were living. Maybe, it was your fault and not God’s, maybe it’s a test to remind you who your God is, maybe it’s to increase your faith and closeness with God, I don’t know. But, I know that although I have been in trials and having nothing, although I cried and groaned in silence, God was my livelihood, God was my helper, and always reminded me that he was my provider.

My dear friends, sometimes we think that what we have was based by our own intelligence, by our own effort, because someone helped you because it was you who put all your effort to get where you are. But, we forget that if we look back or remember where we were, the truth is that we just couldn’t. God was there in all your space and time. But above all, he heard every plea and saw every tear that came out of your eyes. Therefore, God gave you the wisdom and intelligence to get out of the hole, that God sent you angels to help you, and above all that you learned to believe in yourself and not in what others would say about you. Moreover, you know my dear friends, God does not demand anything from you or me, only that we learn to be grateful.

Prayer: Open your heart

Lord Jesus, forgive me if at any time I thought that all that I am and all that I have was due to my own effort. Forgive me, because I recognize that it would be impossible to get where I am today because there was an extraordinary being who took care and protection in my life and that is you, my God, Jesus. Thank you, simply thank you for your unconditional love and you’re helping hand in times of need. Amen.

Friendly Advice

My dear friends, it is time to be grateful to God and everything in this universe to be who we are today. It is never too late to take time and attend your church of choice. And, if you cannot attend for x or y reason, then where you take time to thank God for everything and for what he will do. Also, thanks to God for what you asked and you have not been given because God desires the best for you. Remember, everything work for good.