God’s protection

Since you are my rock and my fortress, for the sake of your name lead and guide me. Keep me free from the trap that is set for me, for you are my refuge.. Psalms 31: 3-4

When I think of God’s protection, I think of it as armor. I go back to the times of battle in the past and even the soldiers of our time even use their armor to protect themselves from any impact from the enemy. But, what is the armor that I should use in these times when different plagues are manifested? Plagues that are invisible, which we cannot fight against something that we do not see, that we do not hear or even can smell.

I remember the story of David, David a young man who fought against a giant. But, not only did David fight the giant, David fight the lion and even a bear. David a simple sheepherder with extraordinary strength. How is this possible? When David went to face the giant, the man put on an armor in which he could not stand or continue to move with it. That armor was so heavy that he felt he was not going to be able to win the battle. David decides to take off that armor, and decided to face the giant without man-made clothing. I confront his giant with the power that won a lion and a bear, with the power that protected him, the power from above. With just one phrase “You come to me with sword, spear, and javelin, but I come to you in the name of the LORD of hosts, the God of the squads of Israel, whom you have challenged.” 1 Samuel 17:45.

My dear friends, we are living in a time of pandemics such as coronavirus, among other plagues that exist and possible new plagues that will begin. We have taken all the recommended measures and even so the massive contagion continues. But, today I want to tell you to remove from your mind the fear or fear that invade your house, it is time for God to be your armor. Let God be the protector of your life and your home. That if you have God as the captain of your life and your house there is no lion, there is no bear, there is no giant, and there are no diseases that touch your dwelling. You just have to put your faith and your hope in the God who wins battles, Jesus.

Prayer: Open your heart

Lord Jesus I come before your presence asking you for forgiveness. Today I want you to be the armor of my life and my home. I recognize that only in you can I find peace and healing. Thank you for your protection and care for all my family. Amen.

Friendly advice

My dear friends follow the recommendations of our health and safety system. It is not time to take these moments irresponsibly. Take care of everyone around you. But, above all, I trusted the doctor par excellence and the maximum protector, Jesus. Remember to look for help, look for where to do free medical tests in your community. Protect yourself and yours. Stay home in these tough times like coronavirus. Let’s love each other.