“always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our LORD Jesus Christ.” Ephesians 5:20

Thanksgiving is celebrated this week for many countries. History teaches us that this commemoration was celebrated in gratitude for a good harvest so all families and friends gather to thank God for the food and for all the blessings received during this time.
In the bible, the book of Romans 14: 6 says to thank God before eating, so it is not only on this day but at all times. In addition, God reminds us to give thanks for everything, that is, in good and difficult times. Even in difficult times we have seen a result that for many we do not see as good, but with time it will be the best thing that happened to us.

Dear friend, today is not a time of regrets but a time of gratitude. Remember the story of Noah and his family who were 40 days and 40 nights in the boat, in a flood, they did not know where they were going, but their faith kept them believing that God would take them to a safe and prosperous place. Therefore, when they stepped on land, they thanked God for everything. Although you believe that you are alone in your boat, I want to tell you that you are not. Today, look around you and you will see that many people are at your table, all with one goal, that we are family and that you will always have the support of all of them. Therefore, give thanks to God for the loved ones that God has placed in your life and for the opportunity of a new day.

Prayer: Open your heart

Today, Lord Jesus, I am in your presence asking for your forgiveness, if I have failed you. Today, I come before your presence to give you thanks for life, for all that you have given me. Forgive me, if sometimes I have focused only on my problem and I do not see beyond what your Lord Jesus will do in my life. Everything that happens to me is with some purpose although sometimes I do not see it that way.

I want to thank you, because you God has always been in control of my life and my family. Thank you for your forgiveness, thank you for your love, thank you for your mercy, thank you for life, thank you for your health, work, family, and friends. But, above all, thank you because you are in control of my life and you will take me to a safe harbor and to a promised land full of abundance and great blessings. I believe it in your name Jesus. Amen.

A Friendly Advice

Dear Friend, today stand up in victory. It’s time to celebrate with family and friends. Do not underestimate this opportunity that God offers you since you have been blessed with the simple fact of being alive. Forget the past, forgive those who have offended you and yours, the word of God is clear, where God reminds us never to take revenge, let God’s justice take over. The Scriptures says “I will take revenge; I will pay them what they deserve, “says the Lord. (Romans 12:19) So, my friend, all you have to do is give thanks to God in everything. Therefore, every knee be bowed before the presence of God recognizing that he is God, who made us and we are works of his hands. Remember, live a full life in Jesus Christ and accept one another because in this way we demonstrate the love of Jesus in us.

Giving thanks, thank you Lord Jesus:

  • Health
  • Wisdom to be able to make correct decisions
  • Lifetime
  • Work
  • Family
  • Friends
  • Brothers and sisters in the faith
  • Food
  • House and bed where we got to rest
  • Enemies
  • For our bless present and future
  • Strength and faith to continue our walk

Dear Friend, remember to give thanks even if you do not have what you want. But, if you ask in his name in faith, our God will act in your favor. Whatever you ask in the name of Jesus, your prayers will be heard. Trust!

Happy Thanksgiving Day!