
Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms. 1 Peter 4:10.

What does the word gift mean? Gift means: A natural ability or ability for some activity (talent). (

Each individual has a special gift. Many times we do not value our gifts or nobody values our gifts until an event arises in our lives that requires using the gifts. It is at that moment that we realize that we were able to awaken the sleeping giant that was in us. For what we are happy and celebrate when we achieve or complete a certain activity. And, that’s when we say “oh! I did not know I could do this!” Today there are churches, organizations, and even communities that need your gifts to develop and train others.

God has placed a special gift in you to complement different aspects that society needs. The gifts you have not only promote your growth as a person or do a work function but there are gifts that promote you spiritually. In God’s design, we all have a gift that fits with others which allows us to develop each specific function. This is why there is a diversity of talents that, being all together, form part of a solid organizational structure.

Therefore, even if you do not have a prominent role in your work, Church or community God gives you gifts to bless others such as encouraging others, caring for the sick, financially assisting missions or other agencies or even cleaning. Many times we look at the positions, God does not look for positions, but hearts willing to apply the talents that He has given you to be used and not be wasted.

Prayer: Open your heart

Lord Jesus, today I am in front of your presence asking for your forgiveness. Forgive all my sins. Today, my God I am asking for wisdom and to know how can I apply my talents in the community, Church, and work. I do not want to lose more opportunities. Allow me to use the talents you have given me in the service of others. Give me today the wisdom to be able to wisely use my talents. Amen.

A Friendly Advice

Dear friend, today is a day to know what talents you have hidden and still do not know how to use them. You know something, something new always happens around you or in your life that requires you to change the way you do things. Do not hesitate to help others or even volunteer and you will see what beautiful talents you have hidden all this time. Your talents do not belong to an organization, they are your talents. Take advantage of the blessing of forming or doing something different with what God has given to you.