Get it out

 For God has not given us a spirit of cowardice, but of power, love and self-control. 2 Timothy 1:7

Letting go or removing something or someone from your life is difficult many times. Over time I have learned that what is not convenient we must let it  go or we take it out of our lives. I have learned to give thanks for what was useful in those moments and start the process of letting go so that it can be useful in other hands.

For 20 years I had some Victorian furniture and although many of them were in good condition, I decided to start this New Year with something new. Getting rid of what is material or someone is difficult, but I learned to give thanks for the time I enjoyed them and start with something different and modern without losing my taste for the classic. By detaching myself from those material things that I had been carrying with me, I realized that in our lives we carry things or events that marked us and it is difficult for us to let go.

When we remove things or people that hurt us, it is when the awakening to the new begins. We give ourselves the opportunity to value what we had, but we also learn to love ourselves. When we remove things or people we allow ourselves to move forward to what God has always had prepared for us. Therefore, do not be afraid and connect with the new that life offers.

Prayer: Open your heart

Lord Jesus I ask you to help me advance to the destiny that you have prepared for me. Amen.

Friendly Advice

My dear friends, I know that it is not easy to remove what we have often carried with us. But, the time has come. It is time to remove what is no longer important, what has not allowed you to grow as a person. It’s time to love you. It is time to give you the opportunity to live fully.

Seek professional help such as a psychologist or spiritual advisor. Remember you are not alone.