Future unknown

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11
This year that has begun, is one that we declare a time full of blessings. Perhaps for many of us wishes that this year has not begun since there are rumors of war, the earth groans, drastic climatic changes, hunger in many countries, political conflicts and so many things that our human mind cannot understand. But, with respect to life, it is not to jump high but to walk straight when we touch the ground.

The human being has forgotten the essence of faith. We can say beautiful words, but if there is no action, those words fade over time. When we begin to believe in what God has done for you and me, life is full of abundance and fulfillment. Therefore, we should not be afraid to trust our unknown future even to God who knows everything. Well, that is faith. God reminds us “For I know the plans that I have for you” – declares the LORD – “plans of well-being and not of calamity, to give you a future and a hope” Jeremiah 29:11. What do we have to do?

I was recently reading words recorded in a cathedral in Germany that said the following:

“You call me Master, and you don’t obey me:
You call me Luz, and you don’t see me;
You call me the way, and don’t walk for me:
You call me life, and you don’t live me;
You call me wise, and you don’t follow me;
You call me beautiful, and you don’t love me;
You call me rich, and you ask me nothing;
You call me eternal, and you don’t look for me;
If I condemn you, don’t blame me. ”

In relation to the life we walk today, we forget the essential and simple things. Therefore, everything depends on us.

Prayer: Open your heart

Lord Jesus, I am before your presence asking forgiveness for everything. I know that even the year begins and my mind betrays me with fears and doubts. Today, I want to give my mind and my whole being in your will. I trusted my unknown future in you, Jesus, Amen.

Friendly advice

It is time to discover the will of God in our lives. Examine our conscience and heart. Discover the will of God and purposes in our life. We take time to read so many books, but we forget to take the book par excellence in our hands, read it and scrutinize it, the word of God (Bible).  Pray and fast, but above all obey what the Spirit of God tells you to do in these times, it is time for life and abundance.