Full Trust

“But blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him. They will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit.” Jeremiah 17: 7-8

I was reading a book on inspirational themes and I was captivated by a theme that goes with what we are experiencing in these difficult moments of our lives and in the world in general. We live good times as bad, but I know that we will all move forward. Below I share the next topic by Barbara Cage:

I wish I could explain to you why life is so unfair at times

All I can tell you is that there are good times and bad; there is love and hate, luck and tragedy.  All of these get in the way of fairness, which is why we must sometimes accept the lack of it in our lives.

If you can forgive yourself as well as others and if you can learn from your mistakes, problems and heartaches will be steppingstones on your path to growing wiser and stronger.

If you can love yourself as well as others, you will learn acceptance and understanding.

It you believe you are unique and wonderful (as I know you are), then you will learn ti change what you can, make a difference when you can, and accept the things you can’t do anything about.

I know that you’ll make the best of any situation, taking from it what will be of benefit to you and discarding the rest.

I also know that you are wise and capable, loved and appreciated, and able to overcome anything that comes your way.


Morris G. (2003). I believe in You: A blue mountain arts Collection full of encouragements and Inspiration. SPS Studios, Inc. Colorado. (p.34)

Prayer: Open your heart

Lord Jesus, I am in front of your presence asking you for forgiveness. Sorry if I have offended you. Today, I want you to be my light in the midst of my current situation and I can find peace in you, Jesus. Amen.

Friendly advice

My dear friends, we live in difficult times and no matter how much we take care of ourselves there is always the possibility of catching or getting sick. As well, we suffer how unemployment rise, prices rise, and the world seems to fall. But, I want to tell you not to be afraid, because there is a person who loves us, Jesus, who is the doctor par excellence, who supplies and covers all your needs. The only thing to do on our part is to believe like a mustard seed.