Freedom of spirit

Now the Lord is the Spirit; And where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. 2 Corinthians 3:17.

It comes to mind to be grateful, but above all to be free. The Spirit is free and many times we shut him up and do not recognize what he wants to do differently in us. We really think about who we are, we limit ourselves and limit ourselves to our feelings. Therefore, we limit ourselves and we cannot truly imprison the Spirit.

In these times that we live, many things are happening and it is time to wake up from deep sleep. It is time to live beyond the conventional. We can wait for something to happen in our lives or we can allow ourselves changes that take us at a faster rate than usual, it all depends on how you want the spirit to take it to the next level.

The spirit is unlimited, it cannot be framed or arranged, it is free. If we allow the spirit to expand, we can feel a sense of freedom so that there are no limits. This freedom of Spirit causes us peace, tranquility, and joy. By allowing the spirit to move into something new, we will feel free from old restrictions and explore new horizons never seen before or experienced.

Prayer: Open your heart

Lord Jesus, I am in front of your presence asking you for forgiveness. Sorry for not listening to your Spirit in me. Help me to do your will and not mine, I ask you in your name Jesus. Amen.

Friendly Advice

My dear friends, I know that we live in difficult times. Times that invade fear, times where others rule and dictate what is best for us and society. But, it is time for you to empower yourself and regain the energy that is in you. Let the Spirit of God rule your life. Be free and act according to the spirit that moves you to do. Just pray and ask for divine direction. Seek help from people who see your mission and help you move forward.