
It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery. Galatians 5: 1

So many times we have looked for the way to be free. Free in speech, free to make decisions, free to be really who you are. Even so, in a country full of freedom, we have often found ourselves imprisoned in our environment. And, not because we fail the law, but because we live so fast, full of so many material and spiritual things that we lose the essence of breathing and feeling free.

What happens to us when we feel imprisoned in the world in which we live that we do not find the way out? Many times, we depend on others to continue. But, the truth is that freedom does not depend on others but on oneself. There are countries that do not enjoy the freedom that many of us live. Even so, these people from these countries struggle to survive and be free every day. When these citizens arrive at a place free of expression and free to be themselves they value what they have acquired because they recognize that freedom depends totally on them.

Many blessings we let escape like the bird that flies once the cage opens. Later, we recognize that we miss the song of the bird, the breeze of the air that caresses our skin as well as the air we breathe that helps us release tensions and allow us to meditate more clearly. Free to make decisions, free to love, and be you. My dear friend, time to be free, forget the past that binds you and that does not take you to anywhere. Remember, that God made us free, take advantage of the blessing of living in a place that values freedom and does not imprison you. But, above all, love and value everything that is around you.

Prayer: Open your heart

Lord Jesus, today I am in front of your presence asking for your forgiveness. Today, I want to be a free person. Help me to deposit all my burdens in you, Jesus, and learn to rest in you. I ask you in your name, Jesus. Amen.

Friendly Advice

My dear friends, it’s time to rest. Time to breathe and enjoy the simplest nature.

Breath, relax and learn to delegate tasks that consume your energy.

Seek help from a pastor, professional, friend or someone to help you.

Go to a church. Pray and read the Bible because you will find the answers.