Forget and Start

Who did this? Who made it possible? Who called the generations from the beginning? I, the LORD, am the first, and I will be the same to the end.  Isaiah 41:4.

The end of the year is approaching, and a new year begins. Many of us wish this year to end and with wishes that a year full of hope begins. Times that we have laughed and cried, but we have remained standing despite all the circumstances we have experienced. What awaits us in the new year?

We do not know what next year awaits us, but, of one thing we are sure that everything depends on you and me. How to forget what you have experienced? How not to make plans? How to be free from circumstances and live fully? There are several questions we ask ourselves. There will be times of change, perhaps times of uncertainty, but the most important thing is that we always look ahead without stopping. There will be positive and negative moments, but our God reminds us of the wonders that He has done and will do in our lives.

A new year is coming, so we will have the opportunity to do something different. We hope that there is a future full of emotions and adventures.  Perhaps there will be losses or gains, but the important thing is to always depend on our God. Let us begin a year with the hand of our Lord Jesus and may each stage we live be one full of fulfillment.

Prayer: Open your heart

Lord Jesus, we thank you for this year that is passing and for one that is beginning. And may this new year be one full of health and prosperity in my life and in the world. I ask this in your name, Amen.

Friendly Advice

My dear friends, we have lived through difficult years. Perhaps we have lost a loved one, perhaps we have lost our job, perhaps we have experienced difficult times as well good times. But how good it is to know that if we have lives, opportunities exist.

Remember, that on these holidays give a call to your loved ones, visit them, or meet with friends. Remember that you are not alone.

Always remember to pray and read the bible because in this you will find peace and listen to the word of God in your life. God bless you always. I wish you full health and prosperity in all phases of your life.