For God everything is possible

Jesus looked at them and said: Humanly speaking is impossible, but for God everything is possible. Matthew 19:26

By looking at the birds of the sky, nature and all the wonders around us we can observe how our God has taken care of humanity. We have water to quench our thirst, we have food to satisfy our hunger, we have clothes to cover our body, and we have friends, family, work and so many things that by thinking carefully about it, the love of God and His mercy dresses us every day with a more life day.

What is impossible for God? Nothing. Many times we put limits on what God wants to do with us, but who are we to put a limit? Life is like a race, only we set the limit, to get where we want to go. But, how beautiful it is to know if we give God the opportunity to guide our life, our present and our future that would make our life more interesting.

When everything fails you, when your dreams or goals are falling, when the disease attacks you, when finances fall, when everything around you thinks there is no more hope, it is time to say Lord Jesus, what is impossible for you? Nothing. That is why today I place all my trust in you, Jesus.

Prayer: Open your heart

Lord Jesus, I am before your presence asking for your forgiveness if I have offended you. Today, I want to give you Jesus thanks for your love and mercy. Thank you for the care and protection you have extended to humanity. Thank you Jesus because I know that with you everything is possible and without you we are nothing. I love you Jesus!

A friendly Recommendations

Friend, when everything seems impossible, when for man there is no solution, then it is time to give God the opportunity to work at your favor. What to do, just trust in Jesus, pray, read the Bible  and ask God to send people to help you in your favor.