
Your way was in the sea and your paths in the mighty waters and your footprints may not be known. Psalms 77:19.

How long have you been screaming at God? And you say, “God listens to me!” You have been in serious situations and seek the Lord, and you raise your hands to heaven crying and moaning from so much pain and despair, and you feel in your life that there is no consolation. You overwhelm yourself thinking that there is no solution. It is so much that you carry on your shoulders that sometimes you cannot even pray, and you ask the same questions as King David did in Psalm 77:
Has the Lord rejected me forever?

Will he never again be kind to me?
Is his unfailing love gone forever?
Have his promises permanently failed?
Has God forgotten to be gracious?
Has he slammed the door on his compassion?
Will this be my fate; the Highest has turned his hand against me?

But, God reminds us of his wonders, power, his protection and care that He always had with us. Therefore, it is necessary to ask for forgiveness because his love has always been present. Sometimes we have believed ourselves to be superheroes, and we thought that the footprints in the sand were ours, that every step and success that we had in our lives was ours. Moreover, based on those footprints we thought that we left traces for others to follow.

God reminds us in all those questions that those footprints were not yours. Those footprints that were on the sand were from Him. All that was obtained was by His grace and by His love. Therefore, it is time to recognize that you were where you were because He always took you in his arms. He reminds us, which by recognizing his wonders, power, protection, and care with you, that you were never alone. God will re-establish his glory in you. How? Once you recognize that He is still God and that He is the One in your life. It is then where Jesus will take you back into his arms. And, the footprints that you see will never be yours because those are the traces of Jesus because He will carry you from now on in his arms.

Prayer: Open your heart

Lord Jesus, I am standing before your presence asking for your forgiveness. Today, I recognize that you are my God and without you nothing I am. Thank you for reminding me that I have never been alone and that you always carry me in your arms. Amen.

Friendly Advice

My dear friends, today take time to reflect. Sometimes we think that God does not listen to us and for more words we receive, do not see the answer. Today, I want to remind you that it is important to think about what took us where we are today. Maybe you are thinking about the reason for your situation of illness, family, finances and many other things. But you know something, my dear friend, God has always been with you. Allow God to take control of your life totally and rest in your arms. Your burden will be less heavy when we have faith that God will soon make us pass to the other side. Just trust, everything will be fine when Jesus takes us into his arms.