I said, “Oh, that I had the wings of a dove! I would fly away and be at rest. Psalm 55: 6

There are moments in our lives that we want to fly. Flying implies freedom, implies dreaming, and being you. Many times before adversity and desperation we want to escape and fly. During that moment of despair,we think that nothing happens and we want to alter God’s plan in our lives. Fly, fly and have wings like doves and even eagle wings to reach the destination we want.

It is not easy to live in the face of adversity, in the face of criticism, in the face of illnesses, and we even get tired of being aware of every detail that surrounds us. But, God reminds us that we should not alter time because we would damage the blessing that would come after the storm. The important thing is to raise your wings to heaven, not to escape but to take a breath and see life from another perspective. Many times when flying, we clear and see from the height that everything that happens to us is small.  It is good to know that God already has something perfect for us. Maybe now you do not see it, but the blessing planned by God for you is so great that your mind cannot imagine.

Yes, fly, fly high and do not let nothing and nobody stop the blessing that God has prepared for you. Now you do not see it because you are in the whirlwind. But, when you spread your wings to fly out of that whirlpool you will find peace, you will have a different mentality and you will be able to make decisions that will take you to a better place. Do not give up, fly, fly until you reach what your heart and mind desire. Do not allow the world to stop you neither the adversities of life because history will remind that you have overcome your obstacles and got up to fly high. When you fly, you will find the rest.

Prayer: Open your heart

Lord Jesus, I ask you to forgive me if I have failed you. Today, I want to spread my wings and fly, if you, Jesus, go with me I know that you will protect me, free me, forgive me, and rescue me. Above all, I know that with you, my wings will not get tired because in you I would find rest. I ask you in your name Jesus, Amen.

Friendly Advice

My dear friends, I want to tell you not to give up. Do not make quick decisions, take time. Do not think about that problem or those who disturb your spirit, leave it in the hands of God. When we move away, we can see clearly and we will find the solution. As a saying goes, “with a cold mind, good decisions are made”.

Seek help from a counselor or professional. Pray, talk to God.

Do not let others make decisions for you. You decide what is best for you and yours.

Do not let anyone obstruct your dreams or goals. Get away from that kind of negative people.

Trust in the process that God has for you. Everything will arrive in due time. Waiting is not easy, but while you wait, do something positive in your life.