Thus Jacob remained alone, and a man fought with him until daybreak. Genesis 32:24.

Many of us get tired and exhausted. Our powers are no longer the same, fighting physically is not enough to fatigue our body, but mental and emotional struggle are two factors that overwhelm and weakness us day by day. Perhaps, it is family worries, worries in finances, work worries, illnesses, and so many other things that our mind takes over, that we get tired … that we don’t care about anything … just want to rest.

I remember the story of the bible of Jacob (Genesis 28-33) and the fight with an Angel. A man who was full of fears, a man on the way to the unknown, a man without knowing if tomorrow would be alive or dead. Fear came to his mind, strategic plans came to his mind to avoid any confrontation with his brother, Esau. I imagine a man who was unable to rest, a man who would do anything to stay alive in the circumstances, but tired of the road. Until, he fought with the angel and took the last remaining strength to give it all to the desire to win that battle, but above all have the blessing.

Many of us are perhaps like Jacob, with this carnal and spiritual struggle. With a fight that we do not know when it will end, but surely that by scratching the dawn, we will obtain the victory. Tired, but not defeated. When we put our stormy mind in the hands of God and all those negative thoughts in the hands of God and allow God to work, everything will go excellently well. Maybe we will go out a little limping, but the final result is a great victory because you will rest in a great blessing.

Prayer: Open your heart

Lord Jesus, I am before your presence asking for new strength. I turn to you because I’m tired of fighting so much. I leave everything in your hands and I know that I will rest in you. Amen.

Friendly advice

My dear friends, I want to tell you that you are not alone. You don’t have to face your battles alone. There are people and organizations that can help you. Remember, if you search you will find it. Pray, ask God for direction. Attend to a church and hear the word of life.