Mark 14:50
50 Then everyone deserted him and fled.

Feeling lonely, which at some point we all have experience. Even Jesus experienced loneliness, at a difficult time in his life, the disciples abandoned him. But, the circumstances did not allow loneliness to occupy space in his life.

Yes… many times we feel sad and surrounded by so many people and at the same time feeling alone. Alone. It is a normal thing that sometimes we can go through that sense of loneliness. Even great leaders have gone through this moment of loneliness like Jesus. But, what have kept the leaders on their feet? They have not let loneliness occupy their lives. They have kept the faith, the love and the hope knowing that there is something better to continue giving to humanity.

We also know that there are good moments in been alone. Loneliness allows us to reflect and meditate, to hear the inner voice, nature and even the voice of God. There are times when we need to get away from the noise of society to evaluate other perspectives that we do not see. But, the important thing is not to be frizzed to life. In the world or in this universe is design to be useful and productive. There’s always something new to keep us busy and break with loneliness. Today, will you allow to break with loneliness? 

Prayer: Open Your Heart

Lord, forgive my sins and my thoughts or if something we have offended you. I stand before you, with my heart on my hand asking you to break with this loneliness that torments me.

It was a good time been alone, but at one point in my life this feeling of loneliness has become abandonment and sadness.  Also, I don’t want loneliness in my life anymore.

Today, I deposit my life in your hands, I break with loneliness. Today, I begin to explore a new process in my life, new friends, my family who loves me, and my work that I value. There are no other circumstances that can take away my faith, hope and love. Therefore, I will bring into this society new things that will allowed me to live. Amen.

A friendly advice

Get up, take a shower head to foot and foot to head, get out of the shower and moisturize, dress, comb your hair, put some make-up (if applicable). Go to a place to eat with some friends and/or family. Enjoy!

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