Facing the past

“Do not remember the former things, Nor consider the things of old. Behold, I will do a new thing, Now it shall spring forth; Shall you not know it? I will even make a road in the wilderness
and rivers in the desert. Isaiah 43: 18-19.

How many of us are carrying in our hearts and memories of a past that torments us? Society often puts a label on us, but today I want to tell you that our past does not define who we are. Sometimes our environment, our family life, education, culture, and other factors delineate our identity, but this should not be so. Today, I share with you that we can move forward in the present with hope for a future full of renewals in our lives.

It is beautiful to know that there is a person who tells us to forget all that because it is nothing compared to what I am going to do with you. That person is someone who loves us as we are. His love is so great that he tells us that he is about to do something, which has begun. But, the question is, don’t you see? This person craves something new in our lives. That person knows us, there is nothing hidden. That person does not judge you, does not label you, just wants the best for your present and future, that person is Jesus.

As we believe and know more about Jesus, we escape that stormy past and begin to reflect God’s desires for our lives. So, the challenge for you, my dear friend, is to get out of the comfortable zone, stop resisting, and stop clinging to that past. When we allow Jesus to heal our internal wounds, when we allow Him to cleanse our mind and heart, it no longer dwells what tormented you but the Spirit of God dwells in you. Jesus yearns to make a path in the middle of your desert, and rivers in solitude. Everything depends on you, and not what society dictates of you. Allow Jesus an opportunity in your life.

Prayer: Open your heart

Lord Jesus, I am before your presence asking for your forgiveness. My God, I don’t want to be imprisoned in my past. I wish to embrace my present and future in you my God, I ask this in your name Jesus, Amen.

Friendly advice

My dear friends, it is time to let go of your past. It is time to seek help and heal old wounds that torment you. There are people who can help you as psychologists, counselors, pastors, and other organizations. Remember, you are not alone. It is only up to you so that this desert forms a path and where there is drought there will be rivers that refresh your life to a new future. Remember to pray and read the bible, in it, God speaks to us.