And Moses stretched out his hand over the sea, and the LORD caused the sea to turn back by a mighty east wind all that night; and the sea turned dry, and the waters were divided. Then the children of Israel entered through the middle of the sea, dry, having the waters as a wall on their right and on their left. Exodus 14: 21-22

We are pursued by the enemy, we run so as not to be attacked or to protect ourselves from the hand of the hunter who does not rest until attacking. But there comes a time when we find ourselves facing the sea and we believe that there is no way out. Well, even if we know how to swim or if we get on a boat there will be no solid ground. Well, we have lost the compass. We are facing the sea, and we know that the enemy is approaching.

This situation goes back to the event of Moses (read Exodus 14) when the people of Israel escaped from Pharaoh, and he decided to persecute to destroy them. Moses and the people found themselves facing the Red Sea. The people despaired, they were afraid and so much so that they wanted to return and be slaves of Pharaoh. But Moses told the people “Do not be afraid; stand firm and see the salvation that the Lord will bring about for you today”. “The Lord will fight for you while you remain silent.”

My friends, many times in the face of adversity, in the face of what seems like there is no way out, God commands us to be still and trust. Moses stretched out the rod and the sea parted. The enemy thought that he could pass through the same terrain that God opened especially for the people of Israel. But, to the surprise of the enemy, they were submerged under water. Therefore, God cared for and protected his people from the hands of the enemy. Even in these times God protects you and destroys your enemies. Just be still and quiet, and you will see the greatness of the power of our Lord Jesus in your life.

Prayer: Open your heart

Lord Jesus, I am before your presence asking for your protection and care over my life and that of my family. Thank you for knowing that you take care of me and my family. Amen.

Friendly Advice

My dear friends, I know that it is not easy when we are standing in front of the sea. We think that there is no way out and that the enemy will wreak havoc on our lives. But you know something God takes care of you. God gives us clear instructions be still and quiet that I will do you justice. Just wait and you will see with your eyes God’s protection in your life and home