
He is the radiance of his glory and the exact expression of his nature and holds all things by the word of his power. After carrying out the purification of sins, he sat at the right hand of the Majesty on high, Hebrews 1: 3

Many of us may have been born in a home where they didn’t express themselves as often as other families. The expression of feelings, emotions, and characters has been confined to such an extent that many do not know how to express love, emotions, feelings, communication between different people among other things that are a fundamental part of the human being. It is good that today with so many technological advances our young people have looked for alternatives to express what they feel, but on the other hand, it is sad since they do not directly communicate emotions with their loved ones. And, many families find out about third parties. What’s happening to us? What are we doing wrong?

Our children grow up in a world so accelerated, full of so much technology that even parents silence them with a technological device such as a cell phone, a game, or go to your friends’ house. Cultures are changing, over time we no longer use the same mechanisms as our ancestors. Perhaps for many, they say “how good that has already happened” or “how bad that customs and values in our society have been lost.” But, if we ask ourselves the questions, who is to blame for losing the essence of customs and values? Where did the link break? Who was to blame for everything that is happening?

Answers that many of us would respond in different ways. But, my dear friends, the answer to all this is not to get a guilty party but to reflect where I fail to convey love, communication, hug, values but above all the fundamental basis of each home, God. Many of us leave this decision to our children. But, God has commanded us to be good stewards, not only of money but of the family. When we teach our children the basic essence of the functions of the body, mind, and spirit a balance is created in this individual that they can choose or decide more clearly when difficult times come and not depend on technology to receive answers. Therefore, it is our responsibility to love, educate, and above all express what we feel to the beings we love.

Prayer: Open your heart

Lord Jesus, asking forgiveness if I have failed with my responsibilities here on earth. I ask you wisdom from above to be a good administrator of my home. Help me heal my wounded heart and give my best to the beings I love. Thanks for a new beginning. Amen.

A friendly advice

My dear friends, time to stop and reflect. What do I want to express and transmit to the beings I love? If you need help, seek help. There are many professionals in emotional health who can help you at this stage of your life. It is never too late to start.