Esther and the King

So it was when the king saw Queen Esther standing in the court that she found favor in his sight, and the king held out to Esther the golden scepter that was in his hand. Then Esther went near and touched the top of the scepter. Esther 5: 2.

Reading the story of Esther, we can see how a young woman of Jewish nationality came to receive the grace and love of a King. A woman who was born to be queen, but whose purpose was to help her people. Esther, a woman who had power in her hands, a woman whose race was Jewish, and her religion was different from that of her husband, the King. A woman who hid who she was until it was time to reveal her true identity. An identity that could cause her to death. How many of us have hidden for a long time?

We hide from where we come from because we fear of being hurt, we hide our nationality, language, and adapt to current customs thus losing the essence of who truly is. But, how beautiful it is that God tests hearts. This was the case with Esther. A woman who hid who she was for a long time. When her people were about to die, his cousin, who had raised her as his daughter, sent her a message to beg the King not to destroy his people. Therefore, Esther replies that the King had not called her for a long time and if she was not called, and presented herself to the King she could die. But, that person was forgiven only if the king points it out with his golden scepter. When his cousin heard Ester’s answer, he reminded her that she was not going to be saved just because she was in the palace. If she dared not speak at times like this, the liberation of the Jews will come from elsewhere, but she and her whole family will die. Therefore, he reminded Esther that she had become queen to help her people. Then, Esther fasts with all her people. The expected day arrived and upon entering the palace without being called she found grace from the King and extended his scepter. Finally, her people were protected and death did not reach their lives. But, her enemies were all destroyed and the Jewish people were blessed.

Many times, we lose what is the purpose of our lives here on this earth. We lose perspective that you were sent to that place that was unknown to you. Many times we hide, we are under shadow or invisibility. And, perhaps you have prepared yourself to such a level that you have reached the chairs of honors. But, God reminds us that we are in those places for purposes. He reminds us that we no longer have to hide, he reminds us who we are and where we come from, he reminds us who your God is, and reminds us that this place you have today has been for a particular purpose. What is that purpose? Bless others, help others, care for and protect yours. Therefore, your moment has arrived and you were chosen for this moment. You will no longer be a shadow, you will no longer be invisible, and you will no longer be who you are to be what God demands of you today. You are here to help people, a nation, or a family. Now, you are prepared! God put you in the place of honors so that your words and grace may be heard by kings. Your moment has arrived!

Prayer: Open your heart

Lord Jesus, I am in front of your presence to ask forgiveness if I have offended you. Forgive me if I have forgotten my purpose and if I ever stop being sensitive to your voice. Forgive me, if I lost at some point what was the initial purpose of being where I am today. Help me to be sensitive to your voice and purposes on this earth. Amen.

Friendly Advice

My dear friends, many of us have ever known God at some time in their lives. The reason for losing the horizon and initial purpose, I don’t know, but you do. Many times God places us in unknown places and we think it was by our own efforts, but the truth is that without God we would not be where we are today. It is important to recognize where we were and where we are, and why. When we humble ourselves and ask for forgiveness, and learn to forgive ourselves, then we can begin the initial purpose of your mission on this earth.