10 Do not fear, because I am with you; do not be dismayed, because I am your God that I make you effort; I will always help you, I will always support you with the right hand of my justice. Isaiah 41:10

Continuing with the theme of Resilience, empowerment is part of the process of a resilient. After searching and reading several definitions about empowering, I found this definition that is more aligned with the concept of resilience:

“Process by which people strengthen their abilities, confidence, vision and role in that they are part of a social group, to promote positive changes in the situations in which they live.” (Retrieved from https://brizas.wordpress.com/2010/10/05/definicion-de-conceptos-empoderamiento-i)

In the bible, we find the life of Esther (Bible of Esther), she was an orphan, her uncle took care of her, and she was Jewish. Esther became queen, but she did not tell the king about her people or kindred since her uncle had told her not to declare it (Esther 2). Until one day, Haman (right hand of the King) found a way to exterminate all the Jews (Esther 3). Haman did not know that Esther was Jewish, so like her people, she was going to be destroyed. She decides to reveal to the king her origin. But, to get to the king, she had to be called, but this was not the case (Esther 4). Esther decides to empower herself and reach the king although this will mean her death. Her empowerment allowed her to reach the king and save her people.

Also, in our present days there are people who have been empowered by the circumstances and now have been recognized for their courage and abilities to make a positive difference in our society. For example, Nelson Mandela, who was a prisoner for many years and then was elected president of South Africa. Malala Yousafzai, a young woman who was confronted with her culture and tradition, which was seriously wounded by terrorists. Malala faced her obstacles and has been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2014. We have Albert Einstein, who his teachers thought that he would not get anything in his life since there was some mental retardation. However, Einstein did not stopped believing in himself and is a figure who won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1921. Moreover, we have Stephen Hawking, who with his illness of paralysis from head to toe and not being able to speak managed to overcome the obstacles and was recognized as one of the best physicists since the time of Einstein.

Friend, today the word resilience is used, but its meaning should not be distorted. A resilient overcomes their fears, confronts or face the obstacles or problems, becomes empowered and does not allow the enemies, the people around them, what the doctors say or the circumstances of life to defeat them. Moreover, a resilient fight more than ever for their rights and the rights of others. They rise with more strength than ever to battle the obstacles and meet the goal.

If you consider yourself a resilient, then empower yourself. Therefore, you will do like Esther who faced death, you will do like Nelson Mandela who faced his prison, you will do like Malala who faced her terrorists, you will do like Einstein who confronted those who make fun of him and you will also do like Hawking who faced his illness. What are you waiting for to empower yourself? Change your mental and emotional state. Empower yourself! Act like a resilient.

Prayer: Open your heart

Lord Jesus, I am in your presence asking for your forgiveness and asking for new strength. I acknowledge my God that you are my strength and that you will always help me. I should not fear because you will be with me. Help me not to faint in my walk, strengthen me, and be my guide to be able to face the circumstances that surround me. I recognize that in my desert, you will pour water on the dryness and I will confidently walk because you will open my way even in the impetuous waters. Thank you my God because there is no God but you, there is no Rock but you. Therefore, I do not have to fear or feel intimidated because your Holy Spirit goes with me. Amen.

A friendly advice

Dear friend, in this world so many adversities happen to us that we think that we are going to die or worse yet we think that we are not going to rise from the crisis that we are living. So much is our crisis that we do not want it for our enemy. Pain is like death. Or, sometimes we say it’s better to die than to live this. But, I have a word of hope, your purpose is not to die but to live and live in Jesus.

Sometimes as we say out there, the universe brings us difficult circumstances because it is that you have reached your level. To pass to the next level you have to experience fire, you have to experience falls, you have to experience climbing mountains and even walk on the rope to avoid falling into the abyss. When you decide to fight, swim against the wave, and run the extra mile, God has given you strengths to empower yourself and win.

God is your creator, do not forget it. God gave you a name and you belong to God. I want to leave you with the text of Isaiah 43: 2; make it yours from now on and empower yourself. God made you to succeed and win the battle of your the enemy (devil, sickness, divorce, loneliness, depression, death, unemployment, finances and other adversities) that only you and God know. In the name of Jesus, recharge your batteries and empower yourself.

“2 When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and by the rivers, they will not overwhelm you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned, nor will the flame consume you” because I, Jehovah of armies, will go with you. Amen.