
“I exhort first of all, that requests, prayers, requests and thanksgiving be made, for all men; for kings and for all those who are in eminence, so that we may live quietly and peacefully in all piety and honesty. ” 1Timothy 2: 1-2

The time has come and each one has decided for the destiny of their country within the United States and Puerto Rico. These are times where the people had expressed their voice. No matter who was the winner, what matters is that the people decided to take action to express their voice.

Times where pandemic, war, and many other things have impacted a country, the people always unite in the face of diversity. Therefore, no matter who wins these elections, the important thing is that there are people who have a voice and vote to decide for the best welfare of a future that awaits us. Just hope and trust that the future leaders of our country are led by the wisdom of the supreme God and that we can live in harmony, regardless of colors but rather the colors of a flag that distinguishes us as a united nation at all times.

Prayer: Open your heart

Lord Jesus, today we ask you for all the leaders of our country and that you are our God directing them in all the decisions that are for the welfare of our people. We ask this in your name Jesus, Amen.

Friendly Advice

My dear friends, the time to express your voice was essential in these election times. It doesn’t matter who won; what matters is that you decided to express your feelings for the welfare of a people. Let us pray to God that He would give all of our leaders’ wisdom and lead a nation for times to come.