Do you still have no faith?

Mark 4:39-40

39 He got up, rebuked the wind and said to the waves, “Quiet! Be still!” Then the wind died down and it was completely calm. 40 He said to his disciples, “Why are you so afraid? Do you still have no faith?”

Before starting this blog, my legs still trembled and still had my concerns. By having the concerns you know, what Iris Perez does, still questioned and asking God, why? Maybe, it was my mind? Oh, my God! Well, when God wants to, he wants to, look I’m telling you He is stubborn.

One day I decided to take an orientation on a course of interest. My interest was so great to attend that briefing that I didn’t want anything or anyone to invade that moment. I wondered, why so much desire to go to this briefing? Well, I arrived to the briefing about the course.

I arrived early, I greeted the instructor, and I felt a little anxious, and I said, “If it’s a briefing, why do I feel like this? Well, during the course I saw the instructor also anxious, sweating, I gave him water, and he was looking out as if someone had entered the room. Once the orientation was completed, I decide to wait to ask some questions and waited for everyone to leave.

When everyone was gone, I approached and began to ask my concerns and all the sudden…

When I looked into his eyes, I could not stop crying, and I said “I do not know why I am crying, I feel stupid, if it’s just a few questions” I said to myself and to the instructor.

The instructor seeing me like that, runs to pick up my stuff so I can talk privately in his office. Still crying, my husband arrived and gave me his handkerchief, without asking me anything and sits next to me. The instructor starts talking about help alternatives, but I keep crying without holding myself. The instructor begins to talk about prayer and I said between sobs “I know, I am Christian.” And, it was at that moment, all flowed according to the spirit of God, because  turns out that him and his boss are Christians.

The instructor gave me the word of God, the ones that God had for me. Which I was waiting for the answers to my questions. He told me that there are difficult times that we have and we station as  the seasons of the years, but each season needs to change and always there will be a new change in our lives. God wants to bless you in a special and natural way. Just wait and see. Then, his boss tells me you have a project in your hands and it’s big, don’t stop. Like your husband, who is the right help for you and he is your complement. It was God’s words and others things that He told me. Thanks to these people that allowed God to use them to give me His words.  I cried like crazy all night and couldn’t contain myself. Then, the words of the spirit came to my mind, saying “your questions were answered.”

I do not know your fear or the strength of your faith that is weakening us based on many circumstances. Fear of change, fear of the unknown, fear of sickness, fear of bankruptcy, fear. Afraid of what? Fear.

But, today, God gives you the word and tells you, “What is your fear? What are you worried about? Am I not God? If I tell you to do it, do it. If I tell you to walk, walk. And if I tell you to get up, you’ll rise. If I say you are healthy, healthy you will be. If I tell you write, you’ll write. If I tell you to speak, sing, preach, use your talents, just do it. What do we have left? What?” Trust and do God’s will. God is in control of every season of the year and will give us the tools according to each situation. How can you not have faith?

Prayer: Open Your Heart

“How can you not have faith?” Lord Jesus is the question you ask.  Forgive us when we question your mandates and we don’t want to do your will. It scares us. Forgive us for not listening your word and help me to continue your walk.

A friendly advice

When in doubt, it is always healthy to ask God for confirmation. But, when God’s word is given, we only have to believe and trust his processes and not hesitate. That’s faith.