Do not let your left hand know what your right does

But when you do a charitable deed, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, Matthew 6: 3.

Today, technology is an extraordinary thing. There is a diversity of people who publish everything that happens in their lives on social networks. Also, there are people who do a variety of things that they don’t publish on their networks. To those people who do not publish their daily lives and what they do for others, they are very blessed people and do not require publicity because their love is enough for all those who helped. Today, with so many social networks we have forgotten that there are actions that we must protect. Well, Jesus said, “But when you do a charitable deed, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing” (Matthew 6: 3-4).

On the other hand, there are organizations that need to announce what they do so that the population can cooperate for that cause, and that’s fine. What is wrong is that people presume what they contributed to X or Y things. Recently, a friend sent me a message that I want to share with you, the author is Laura Higuera, On the wall of Martín Luna which is the following:


Find a public place, such as a public square, a mall, a station, a waiting room and place yourself in a place that allows you to discreetly observe people.

Let yourself be carried by your heart, let Him choose the people to whom you will make your GIFT ANONYMOUS AND SILENT.

When you see someone affected by a medical condition, give him good health in your thinking.

If you see a dejected and sad person pass by, give him peace and joy.

If you see a child who cries, give him thought of a beautiful future.

If you see someone sullen and angry, give him love and forgiveness.

And so, with all the people who cross your path.

Welcome each of them in your heart for a few moments and wish them well.

You may never see any of these people again. It is well that it is so; you do not need any confirmation, love never imposes itself, it is simply offered to anyone who is willing to receive it.

Oh, and keep in mind that someone else is making silent gifts and seeing you, will also send you one.

How good it is to know that Jesus rewards you when you give in silence! But, remember if you give do not expect anything in return; only your actions will eventually be rewarded because there is a God who sees everything. Blessings from our King and Lord, Jesus.

Prayer: Open your Heart

Lord Jesus, forgive me if in my unconsciousness I have put my pride before my humility before people who need my help. Today, I ask you to help everyone without looking at who. Let me have a sensitive heart, sight, and ears to help others in need. I ask this in your name, Jesus, Amen.

Friendly advice

My dear friends, I advise you to take some time to help the needy. We are living hard times and there are people who need our help. We live in such hurry times that we lose the sensitivity of listening and shaking hands. It is time that you take time in silence and look around, for there is always someone who can help and bless as God has blessed us. I recommend you do the following “Find a public place, such as a public square, a mall, a station, a waiting room and place yourself in a place that allows you to discreetly observe people. Let yourself be carried by your heart, that He chooses the people to whom you will make your GIFT ANONYMOUS AND SILENT”.