Do not be anxious about anything

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4: 6-7.

There are moments in our lives that we feel tired, overwhelmed, and so much so that we don’t have the strength to raise our hands. At night, we throw ourselves into bed, and we feel how our bodies feel sore and fatigued as well with an accelerated mind of all the hustle and bustle of daily life. Maybe, we go with unresolved things to bed, crying, sadness, and we feel disabled, with tied hands since there was no solution to what happened that day and the next day overwhelms us more. Have you lived that experience?

I have lived those experiences, tired, anxious, and taking to bed worries of daily life. Until the moment arrives that I find no solution to my circumstances of life, and it is then that I remember what the bible says, pray, ask and present your requests before God. It costs us many times to bend our knees, but above all to bend our hearts and our thoughts that we just cannot. That we can’t just sustain ourselves and even if it’s hard for me to raise my hands to heaven, it is necessary to thank God for the opportunities of life and that while there is life there is hope.

How beautiful it is to know that our God reminds us “Do not worry about anything; rather, on every occasion, with prayer and supplication, present your requests to God and thank him. And, the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will take care of their hearts and their thoughts in Christ Jesus. ” Therefore, we can fully trust that we can rest in Him, just remind us to be still and thank you for what you will do, Well, that is faith.

Prayer: Open your heart

Lord Jesus, I am before your presence asking for your forgiveness. Today, I come tired and without strength before your presence. I tried everything, but nothing worked for me, today I give up, I want to rest in you. May you be managing my life and my life circumstances, I just want to thank you for your love, mercy, and forgiveness, for I know that you take charge of my life and my family. Amen.

Friendly Advice

My dear friends, I know that many times our humanity betrays us, we want to solve everything and we think we are superheroes. But you know what? We are not. We need help from other people who can help us, but above all, trust fully in God. Pray, seek help from a spiritual advisor or other professional mentors such as psychologists, friends, among others. Remember, you’re not alone. Give thanks to God for what you want beforehand, for that is trusting the all-powerful, Jesus.