Divorce? Recover my Marriage (Part III)

“Love…7 bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things”. 1 Corinthians 13:7 ( New King James version)

In this blog, I will continue talking about more practical and personal advice that helped me recover my marriage. I hope that the following practical advice you can evaluate each stage of your marriage and / or relationship as a couple to repair on time the crack that can impact later your marital life.

Recovering my marriage before or after divorce (continue)

Other practical and personal tips that have helped me to restore my marriage are the following:

  a.  Decision making

When the crisis comes, as it did in our lives, decisions cannot be made immediately. Decisions without thinking lead us to failure.

It is important to relax, sit down and talk to discuss everything that bothers and clarify the doubts and whys.

b.  Agree on everything

We cannot be aimless, one on one side and the other on the other. To succeed you have to agree on everything.

Agree in accordance with your established goals and objectives. If you have children they should be included. If you are parents, both must agree with the yes and no.

c.  Silence

Silence is important and do not disclose your private life. There are people who help, but there are others who are to gossip ( person who gives information to another person to hurt).

d.   Being both with the same spiritual mentality

For a long time (15 years) my husband accompanied me to the Church, he was not a faithful believer, but to not leaving me alone he accompanied me on Sundays. Of course, I always asked God to have a personal encounter with him. Do not give up, keep praying for your partner, help him or her and do not criticize him or her. God did the miracle after 15 years, my husband serves, preaches and sings for the Lord.

e.   Be at the same level of education or intellectual maturity

It is important that your partner does not feel less and less than you, because you have a higher level of education. Sometimes the one who does not have studies, has more experiences and matures. Respect your partner and help him or her to continue in his studies if he or she wishes.

f.  Trust

Trust is so critical in the whole relationship. It is not time to watch your partner from your house to the corner. It is the person that God place on your way and you chose that person and he or she chose you. There was no other person in the universe than you. Well, trust.

In a divorce process, trust is a recovering process, it is not easy, I tell you that I experienced divorce. But, when God is in the matter, wounds heal.  Trust must be gained with love and act.

g.  Forgive

The key to success in your marriage is forgiveness. We are both full of many flaws. Asking for forgiveness is wise in order to continue your relationship. Self-importance should NOT be part of the relationship.

In the next blog, I will continue talking about more practical and personal advice that I applied to recover my marriage. Hence, it is important that you take a time with your spouse to evaluate the practical and personal advice  to restore your marriage and / or continue their life as a couple.

Prayer: Open your heart

Lord Jesus, I am before your presence asking for your forgiveness. Sorry for my pride, for not knowing how to forgive. It is not easy my situation and I cry before your presence because I think there is no solution with my relationship. How long do I have to wait, Lord Jesus? My pride took me away from my partner and now I do not know what to do or say. Forgive me. God  heal my wounds. Give me the wisdom to be able to conquer my partner and give us the opportunity of a new dawn. Lord Jesus, I recognize that without you I will not be able to restore my marriage, I ask you to be the captain of my life and of my relationship. Guide us to safe harbor. I ask you in your name, amen.

A Friendly Advice

Dear friend who is reading this blog, I know that our pride has hurt us many times, we think and we say, I would not go, it was him or her. Why do I have to? But, the truth is that the relationship was not impacted by one, were both. Both are responsible for not acting on time, both are responsible for their relationship and forgetting their commitment that they once said before the altar, before the law or before yourselves.

It is not a time of regrets, depression, or low self-esteem. It is time to wake up from deep sleep and act. Look in a mirror, what do you see? You, a wonderful man and / or woman who knew how to conquer your partner, were boyfriends, friends, spouses and lovers, parents and other experiences that only you experienced. Well, today, I tell you, GET UP and CONQUEST!