Divorce? Recover my Marriage

5and said, ‘For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh’? So they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate. ” Matthew 19:5-6


The first blogs I wrote that at some point I was going to talk about the subject of marriage, how God restored my marriage and redesigned our characters. Fulfilling the promise, through a series of blogs I will be talking about some practical and personal tips that worked for me to recover my marriage.

I know that EVERYONE has experienced or lived the separation in their relationship and had used the famous words “give me a space and time” which are so dangerous and is a great window for the enemy. I hope in God that the following blogs (will be divided into four parts or sections of blogs) you can find the consolation that God restores your life and home, but above all, restores your marriage.

Marriage landed in divorce

All of us who have lived the first phase of marriage, we know that the first year is not as rosy as they color it. The first year is knowing a little more your partner intimately and in the concomitance. Many people decide to live together to experience if it works or not, I personally do not believe much in “having a firearm without a license”. It is important to create a genuine commitment and that both are willing to assume responsibilities before the law and before God.

I remember my first year of marriage, because as you know on my first blog “If you love me … follow me” I was married at 31 years old (it’s never too late, enjoy your youth, before you get to formalize a relationship) which I was very independent, I worked and I had my life under control. But, when I got married, in the early stages of marriage, I was angry all the time. It bothered me when my husband crushed the toothpaste, when he left open the lid of the toilet, the bathroom curtain not stretch, even the parents were priority than the relationship (when the Bible says to leave father and mother in order to be one; however, there are circumstances that you need to take care if they are sick ) and other habits that as singles we all dragged into married life where I felt in a bad mood all the time. Is not easy.

Through the years (10 years), the jobs took us much time that we stopped communicating and so many other things. The intimate relationship decreased because the work shifts were not the same. Arrivals at home were late because of our jobs, family events, social and many other things that began to impact the relationship bit by bit, as people say, love began to decrease. When this happen? How? Why I did not noticed? These are questions that we ask ourselves so frequently. I think, I felt safe and I thought everything was fine. However, the truth is that when it comes to the step that we say, this relation does not work anymore, it is time to seek help and not make quick decisions.

I realized that too late.  One day, when I got home from work, his clothes were not in the closet. The fault is not only yours, it’s both. The empty drawers and the empty closet, the house felt empty. You think the world collapsed. Then, you realized what happened and sadly you cannot find the answers neither your partner’s answers. Only the word divorce arrives, with the excuse “because I do not love you anymore”.  You just say, “After so many years and now you say you do not love me?” “Do you have another person?” The answer is “No, it’s not that … there are other things”. “Well, tell me?” To finally say, there is “no other opportunity or I already gave you the opportunity” and here it comes the famous response of all those questions… “I want the divorce”.

Through the stage of the divorce, I realized so many things that I stopped doing or we both stopped doing. We stop loving ourselves, we gave everything to the people we loved and we forget that we existed. We realized at the stage of the divorce that there were things that we stopped doing in our relationship that affected both of us. There were no words in our mouth of “yes, my love”, there were no frequent dates, there was no sexual intimacy with the same frequency as before since we had a lot of excuses. On the other hand, there was more exhausted feeling and bad mood that became frequent in our relationship and so many other things. Then, you started to Awaken from deep sleep, from the conformity of marriage or routine!

Let me tell you something my dear readers, all this happened to me even though I was in Church and serving God. Divorce is not just for non-believers but, it is affecting the people who attend the churches and serve God. The enemy (the devil) knows that marriage is the most appreciated by God and that is why the devil does not discriminate neither pastors nor members. Therefore, it is of all marriages to start Awakening of the Deep Sleep of conformity or routine in the relationship and begin to live as if you were boyfriends and girlfriends or lovers. Like lovers? What does the lover do? What does he / she do? THINK … it is time to act to give us the affection and compliments that we stopped doing. It is time here and now to CONQUER YOUR MARRIAGE AGAIN.

How do I restore my marriage? This is the question that I will be answering in the next blogs.

Prayer: Open your heart

Lord Jesus, I am before your presence asking for your forgiveness. I am tired of crying and doing so much to restore my marriage. Sometimes I do not understand the reason of so many things and my arms get tired of so much struggling. Today, I want you, my God, to direct my feet, my mind and my whole being so I can do whatever is necessary to restore my marriage. I entrust myself to your holy wisdom because you formed this marriage. Amen.

A friendly advice

Today, stand up in victory. Dry your tears woman and / or man because our Lord Jesus is the captain of your marriage. Lonely you will never be. Even if you think it’s late, I want to tell you that it’s never too late for God. It’s just up to you to leave your pride and let yourself be guided. I recommend that you pray, fast and read the bible. Read the book of Esther (Bible). What did she do before going to the king? Well, do the same, pray, fast, get beautiful or handsome. Because our God will give you the tools to conquer your marriage.