
He forgives all my sins and heals all my diseases. Psalm 103: 3 (NLT).

Everyone at a given moment in our lives has become ill. We resort to medicines, we go to the doctor, and we even receive results that
overwhelm us and worry us. Many times the physical pain is so painful that we want to hide it from our loved ones so they do not suffer or worry about us. But, also, there are diseases of the soul. Diseases of the soul that leads to depression, negative thoughts such as suicide, and many other things that we hide from the beings who love us. What can we do with these two types of diseases? An illness that doctors often have no response or healing.

My dear friends, it is a fact that what you feel and what is happening to you is something that is real. But, it is in you to limit yourself or take action and control of your physical and spiritual health. We cannot stop fighting against the adversity caused by physical and spiritual illnesses. We can have frustration, fear invades us, it gives us the courage to see ourselves disabled, but it is time to face that illness and look it in the face. Time to recover and make new decisions in our lives.

When you take a positive position in the face of adversity in both physical and spiritual illness, it is then that we can escape a physical or spiritual attack. Mental health is important, it is a tool that God gave us, and it is a powerful weapon when we begin to take control with positive thinking. We can overcome cancer, survive any physical and spiritual condition when we empower ourselves to fight. In that time of vulnerability, we will remember that we depend totally on God and that we are entrusted to him in his arms of love. Remembering always to be confident and sure in his word that … I will restore your health, I will heal your wounds … I, the Lord, affirm it (Jeremiah 30:17).

Prayer: Open your heart

Lord Jesus, forgive my sins. I’m desperate and overwhelmed. I think my life has become a nightmare. I ask you to give me relief and give me the confidence to trust you. Calm my thoughts, give peace to my heart and strengthen my spirit to continue my path and depend absolutely on you. Dear Jesus, be my doctor par excellence. I ask you in your name, Jesus, Amen.

Friendly Advice

My dear friends, the Lord Jesus is good. He protects those who trust in him and he is a refuge in the midst of pain. Maybe you’re hospitalized, maybe you’re nervous, maybe you’re thinking about negative things, depressed, anguished, and think there’s no way out. Today, I want to tell you, my friends, that there is a solution in Jesus. And above all, that God has given you the power to call for healing, faith is activated, positive thoughts re-emerge, and besides you, there are people who raise your hands. You will never be alone.

The enemy, the devil, think that you are defeated and that you have no hope. Well, today you face physical or spiritual illness and you rise up in victory because everything is in God’s control. No matter what the final result is, you are sure that God is your captain and will take you to a safe harbor.

I recommend you seek help from a mental health professional, a doctor for your physical health and a pastor for your spiritual health. Pray, talk to God, ask in his name because he is the same God who continues to work miracles in this 21st century.