
If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you. James 1: 5 (RVR1960).

Decision making is not easy, many times we carry so much pain and despair that we do not see a solution. In the bible there are several stories of decision making but,  today, I want to tell you about the story of King Solomon and the two women with their respective children (1 Kings 3: 16-28). The bible tells us about two women who lived under the same roof and both gave birth. One night, one of the women lay on top of her child and he died.She removes the living child from the other woman who was sleeping and places the dead child. The second woman upon awakening recognizes that the dead child is not her son. And, it is then that a strong argument between the two women begins, who later on takes the case before King Solomon so that he can make a decision. In this case there were no witnesses to witness which of them was telling the truth. At that time there were no polygraphs or other technology such as the blood sample, so King Solomon totally depended on the wisdom of God to make the most correct decision.

When both women presented their case, King Solomon asks for a sword to cut the living child in half. When the real mother saw that this was going to happen, she asked King Solomon to give the child to the other woman. While the other woman asked to divide the child in half. It is in this way that King Solomon discovers who the mother of the living child was; the one who asks to deliver his son to the other woman. Therefore, all the people of Israel who heard that judgment acknowledged that God had given wisdom to King Solomon to judge and make decisions.

Many times we carry a deep pain and we do not want to recognize that there is a solution in Jesus. We blame the other person and even everything that happened to Jesus. But, the reality is that Jesus gives us the free will to choose the path. Before you continue with that decision or direction of your life, God sends people to give us advice and warnings, but still we continue with our path. Until one day, we come across a misfortune and we blame God. Also, there are even people who curse the name of God if they have problem. But, the truth is that God sees everything and before you were born because he knew you from the womb of your mother (Psalm 22:10). In his love, forgiveness, and mercy Jesus has always taken care of you. It is only up to you to ask wisdom from above before making a decision. Wisdom only comes from God, he will give you the tools and the people who will help you make the decisions that will lead you to the success and well-being of your life. Just ask for wisdom like King Solomon did. Today, what are you waiting? Requesting wisdom from God costs nothing.

Prayer: Open your heart

Lord Jesus, I am before your presence if I have failed you, forgive me. Forgive me, if in my desperation I have made the quickest and easiest decision, but I have realized that it has not been the most correct one. I know that today, I face the consequences of those decisions. I am in a state of despair and I do not know what to do. But, today, I admit that I have not heard your voice, who you have sent people to my life and I have not paid attention to their words. Excuse me. Lord Jesus, today I recognize that only in you can I find confidence and have wisdom from above when I come before your presence. Forgive me and help me face my circumstances and make wise decisions in you, Jesus. Amen.

A friendly advice

In our lives will have difficult times and we have to make decisions. Many times we do not know what the best decision is, but today I tell you:

  1.  The Bible says that if you lack wisdom, ask God and he will give you answers.
  2. Pray, talk to God. Always ask for guidance.
  3. Fast, you go alone with God.
  4. Read the Bible, in it you will find answers.
  5. Evaluate and analyze all alternatives.
  6. Consult or talk with people who can help you: pastor, psychologists, friends, family, and others.
  7. Do not make decisions lightly or quickly. As they say there, sleep on your pillow, reflect or meditate, and think. If you need more time, just say it.
  8. Do not let yourself be influenced by speed, rapidity or time.
  9. The longer, the better it is, as it gives you time to reflect on the event to make the best decision.
  10. If you have a family (wife and children), consult with them. They must agree with the decision making as it will impact the whole family.
  11. Be patient, it is fundamental in decision making.
  12. Have confidence in Jesus because he is the source of life and separates you from the bonds of death (Proverbs 14: 26-27). Just trust.