Damn pride

Man’s pride will humiliate him, but the one with the humble spirit will get honors. Proverbs 29:23.

Damn pride … Damn pride that does not let me move forward … Damn pride that does not allow me to think … Damn pride that does not allow me to love fully … Damn pride that I think of myself and not others … Damn pride that does not allow me to forgive … Damn pride that doesn’t allow me to admit mistakes … Damn pride that doesn’t allow me to be who I truly am…

Society has taught me to love myself and that is not bad because every human being requires having high self-esteem, an identity of their own and knowing that you are a person of high value to God. But, when self-pride passes to a level that I already feel superior to another is when we enter the danger zone. Danger … a danger that kills then, the damn pride that kills my soul has taken over. I begin to hurt and offend the being who has loved me. I start to have deaf ears … Damn pride that doesn’t allow me to see beyond reason. And, for a moment I think that the damn pride is overcoming me and I stop being the sensitive person, the fragile flower, and the fragile glass. The flower that has dropped the petals. The glass is full of cracks. Moreover, there are cracks that I think if it will ever be the same glass, the same flower or the butterfly that has lost its wings to go from flower to flower. Damn pride … that doesn’t allow me to see life with humility.

But, when I reflect, I shake like the buzzer and I recognize that there is in my heart and ears to listen. That my mind shakes like the buzzer and awakens the throbbing of my heart to recognize that there is hope and that not everything is dominated by the damn pride. There is a voice that whispers to me like the wind that tells me “I am here.” Hands that caress me, which my body begins to shake, but above all a spirit that invades the whole being that tells me “ let me be me in you”. Will I be crazy? Will someone clean me and purify my whole being? Will someone forgive me my damn pride? Can I start over? Will, there be an opportunity to return to be the person who flies free, that is the butterfly with new wings to fly or the flower that returns to cast its petals? Or, the glass that has no cracks?

If there is anyone!, Yes, he is like the wind that caresses, he has cotton hands, he has a voice that calms and calms my heart. He wears an exquisite perfume, which allows me to smell that fragrance that invades my whole being. He hugs me with strong and soft arms at the same time. He sees my naked soul and body. There is nothing hidden for him, for he knows that I want to leave the damn pride and look more like him. He is humble like the sheep that went to the slaughterhouse, humble … who left everything he had to love me as I am and bathe in his crimson blood to cleanse me and be who I truly am, he is Jesus.

Prayer: Open your heart

Lord Jesus, I am before your presence asking for your forgiveness. Forgive me if my pride has gone out of control. I know that you want me as your son. Today, I want to give myself and give me a new opportunity and start over. Help me to be like you, Jesus. Amen.

Friendly advice

My dear friends, having pride of your own is not bad, that’s very good. But, when pride ceases to be, it can become a very treacherous one in our lives. Seek help from a mental health professional whether a psychologist or spiritual advisor. But, above all pray to God.