Coronavirus (CODVI-19): Let’s keep calm and faith

He said to them: «I am the Lord your God. If you listen to my voice and do what I consider fair, and if you follow my laws and commandments, I will not bring upon you any of the diseases that I brought upon the Egyptians. I am the Lord, who restores your health ». (Exodus 15:26).

We all thought that perhaps this coronavirus was going to stay in a specific place and perhaps we thought that it would not touch us. But, the truth is, we let our guard down for a long time. We stop taking hygiene safety measures. We went back to conformity and that nothing else was going to happen. It is sad that as Christians we ,also let our guard down.

On Sunday, when we arrived at the Church, we realized that everything was closed.  We thought something extraordinary had happened for God’s people not to gather to praise his name? Indeed, we realized that the church had precaution and responsibility in relation to this pandemic and that is very good. But, this is not to be afraid or confused; just continue believing in God,

How complicated can it be to control a situation like this? Well let me tell you that the corona virus is a disease that has greatly affected the population and there is an alert worldwide. This pandemic has been of great impact since it has not only affected people’s health, we have also received an impact towards education, the commercial area, impact on the economy and on a spiritual level where church services have been canceled and in all activities where large numbers of people gather. Therefore, this is why society is being provided to take all security measures to avoid any contagion. We all have the responsibility to apply security measures to prevent further contagion,

My dear friends, but it is also time to remember that God cares for his children, that we should be responsible and wise. But, let us never let our guard down and remember that God has the care of his children. Different situations may happen and God warns us again that we are children expecting a father and that He is in control of everything. Your faith should not be decreased,  it is time to have your lamp lit and that the fire of the spirit in you does not go out.

Prayer: Open your heart

Lord Jesus, thank you for reminding us that you take care of your children. Cover us and keep us at all times safe. Let no plague touch our dwelling place. Asking for healing for all of our sick people, we ask this in your name, Jesus, Amen.

Friendly advice

My dear friends, I will not be scared by everything you hear. Be wise and in control in these times. Activate your emergency plan. Wash your hands frequently; cover your mouth if you sneeze. Stay home if you are sick, get ready with water, food, and essential items so you don’t have to leave your house as often. If you have children, have board games or do activities in your home with you. But above all, keep praying. If you cannot attend your church, remember that your house is the temple of God. You have devotionals in your house. Let us ask God for mercy and healing for his people.

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